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A Project of the University of California Irvine Newkirk Center for Science & Society,
University of Michigan Law School & Michigan State University College of Law


How to use the Registry. First, scroll down until you s​ee the list of names. To sort any of the columns, place the cursor over a column heading, such as AGE, and click on the arrow. You can sort in alphabetical or chronological order or click on a particular value to select just the cases in that category. You can sort on more than one column or even multiple columns: such as STAT​E and COUNTY and CRIME.

The two columns with "Tags" in their labels allow you to sort cases by additional characteristics. At the top of the page, you will see the listing of the various Tags. To see more detailed definitions for these terms, hover over their full names or click on the links. You can only sort for one variable at a time in the TAG columns. To sort for several at once, please download our data as a spreadsheet.


OM Tags

  • PR: Prosecutor Misconduct
  • OF: Police Officer Misconduct
  • FA: Forensic Analyst Misconduct
  • CW: Child Welfare Worker Misconduct
  • WH: Withheld Exculpatory Evidence
  • NW: Misconduct That Is Not Withholding Evidence
  • KP: Knowingly Permitting Perjury
  • WT: Witnes​s Tampering Or Misconduct Interrogating Co-defendant
  • INT: Misconduct In Interrogation of Exoneree
  • PJ: Perjury By Official
  • PL: Prosecutor Lied In Court

The six columns on the far right of this page display separately the Contributing Factors that contributed to the wrongful conviction. To save space, we use abbreviations. To see definitions of these factors, click on their full names:

​Keyword Filter:

Connected to: National Registry of Exonerations

To search the Registry for a name or keyword, type in the [Search] box. The filter finds cases that contain any of the words you enter if you check Or, or all of them if you check And. Do not use quotation marks. It allows truncation, but not with truncation symbols such as * and !​

OM Tags
Count= 87
AdamsReginald26BlackLAOrleansH, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, PJ, INTMurderLife without parole19832014FCP/FAOM
AlexanderMalcolm19BlackLAJeffersonIO, SAPR, OF, NW, PJSexual AssaultLife without parole19802018DNAMWIDP/FAOMILD
BallardJarvis18BlackLASt. BernardCDC, IO, SAPR, OF, WH, NW, WT, INT, PJSexual AssaultLife without parole19992021DNAMWIDFCP/FAOMILD
BeridonCheryl23BlackLATerrebonneF, NCPR, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or SaleLife19792003P/FAOM
BibbinsGene29BlackLAEast Baton RougeCV, IO, SAPR, FA, WH, NW, PJChild Sex AbuseLife19872003DNAMWIDP/FAF/MFEOM
BrightDan L.35BlackLAOrleansHPR, WHMurderDeath19962004MWIDOMILD
BrightGregory20BlackLAOrleansCV, H, IOPR, WHMurderLife19762003P/FAOMILD
BrileyYutico19BlackLAOrleansCIU, IOOF, WTRobbery60 years20132021MWIDOMILD
BrooksElvis19BlackLAOrleansH, IO, PPR, WHMurderLife without parole19772022MWIDOM
BroussardKenrard33BlackLAIberiaOF, WHDrug Possession or Sale18 years20112016P/FAOM
BrownDennis16BlackLASt. TammanyIO, JV, SAOF, WH, NW, INTSexual AssaultLife19852005DNAMWIDFCF/MFEOM
BrownNathan23BlackLAJeffersonIO, SASexual Assault25 years19972014DNAMWIDILD
BrownPatrick20BlackLAOrleansCIU, CV, SAChild Sex AbuseLife without parole19942023P/FA
BuesoDavid19HispanicLAEast Baton RougeHMurderLife without parole20192021
BurgeGerald29WhiteLASt. TammanyCDC, HOF, WH, NW, WTMurderLife without parole19861992P/FAOM
BurrellAlbert30WhiteLAUnionCDC, H, JIPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WTMurderDeath19872001P/FAOM
Castro SantosDarvin20HispanicLASt. BernardIOPR, OF, PJRobbery50 years20122021DNAMWIDP/FAOMILD
ChapmanVernon23BlackLASt. TammanySAPR, OF, WH, NW, WTSexual AssaultLife19801994MWIDOM
CharlesClyde26BlackLATerrebonneSASexual AssaultLife19821999DNAMWIDF/MFE
Clark, Jr.Royal24BlackLAJeffersonCV, IORobbery49 years and six months20032019MWIDF/MFE
CocoAllen26BlackLACalcasieuIO, SASexual AssaultLife19972006DNAMWID
CousinShareef16BlackLAOrleansH, JVPR, WHMurderDeath19961999MWIDOM
CrawfordRodricus22BlackLACaddoCV, H, NCPR, NWMurderDeath20132017F/MFEOM
CurleyCatina32BlackLAOrleansF, H, IO, NCMurderLife20072019F/MFEILD
DavisJerry24BlackLAOrleansCDC, H, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, PJ, PLMurderLife without parole19842024P/FAOM
Davis, Jr.Glenn18BlackLAJeffersonH, IOPR, WHMurderLife without parole19932010P/FAOMILD
DayeAnthony30BlackLAIberiaNCOF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or SaleLife20122017P/FAOM
DelmoreLarry22BlackLAJeffersonHPR, WHMurderLife without parole19932010P/FAOMILD
DentCedric22BlackLAOrleansCIU, H, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, PJMurderLife without parole19992022MWIDP/FAOMILD
DilosaDouglas35WhiteLAJeffersonHPR, WH, NW, PLMurderLife19872003OM
DuncanCalvin18BlackLAOrleansCV, H, IO, PPR, OF, WH, NW, PJ, PLMurderLife without parole19852021MWIDP/FAOMILD
FlanksRaymond20BlackLAOrleansCIU, H, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, PJMurderLife without parole19852022MWIDP/FAOM
FloydJohn31WhiteLAOrleansH, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, INT, PJMurderLife without parole19822018DNAFCP/FAOM
FordGlenn34BlackLACaddoHPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, PJMurderDeath19842014P/FAF/MFEOMILD
GableKunta17BlackLAOrleansCIU, H, IO, JVPR, OF, WH, NW, PLMurderLife without parole19962022MWIDP/FAOM
GibsonRoland20BlackLAOrleansCDC, HPR, WHMurderLife19681993P/FAOM
GordonKendale18BlackLAOrleansCIU, H, IOOF, WH, NW, WT, PJMurderLife without parole20102021DNAMWIDP/FAOMILD
GrahamMichael23WhiteLAUnionH, JIPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WTMurderDeath19872000P/FAOM
HammonsRobert31WhiteLASt. TammanyRobbery40 years19861992MWID
HarrisPatrick39WhiteLABossierH, NCManslaughter39 years20192021F/MFE
HayesTravis17BlackLAJeffersonH, IO, JVPR, WHMurderLife19982007DNAFCOM
HenryDarrill28BlackLAOrleansH, IOPR, OF, NW, WTMurderLife without parole20112023DNAMWIDOM
HillDarrin26BlackLAOrleansIO, SASexual AssaultCommitted to mental hospital19992012DNAMWID
HudsonJermaine20BlackLAOrleansCIU, IO, NCRobberyLife20002021P/FA
HudsonLarry19BlackLAOrleansCDC, HOF, WHMurderDeath19671993MWIDP/FAOM
JacksonWillie17BlackLAJeffersonBM, JV, SASexual Assault40 years19892006DNAMWIDF/MFE
JamesHenry20BlackLAJeffersonSASexual AssaultLife without parole19822011DNAMWIDILD
JamesMorris40BlackLAIberiaNC, POF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale25 years20142016P/FAOM
JohnsonAnthony27BlackLAWashingtonH, IO, SAPR, OF, WH, NW, PJMurderLife19862010DNAMWIDFCP/FAF/MFEOM
JohnsonCraig27BlackLAOrleansNCRobbery70 years19961997P/FA
JohnsonRickey26BlackLASabineIO, SASexual AssaultLife without parole19832008DNAMWID
JonesRobert19BlackLAOrleansCDC, IO, SAPR, OF, WH, NW, WT, PJSexual AssaultLife without parole19962017MWIDP/FAOM
JonesWilbert18BlackLAEast Baton RougeIO, SAPR, OF, WH, NWSexual AssaultLife19732018MWIDOM
Juluke, Jr.Bernell18BlackLAOrleansCIU, H, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, PLMurderLife without parole19962022MWIDP/FAOMILD
KekoAnthony62WhiteLAPlaqueminesBM, HFA, WH, NW, PJMurderLife19931998P/FAF/MFEOM
KnapperIsaac17BlackLAOrleansH, JVPR, WHMurderLife19791991P/FAOM
KylesCurtis24BlackLAOrleansHPR, WHMurderDeath19841998MWIDP/FAF/MFEOM
LaBranDwight23BlackLAOrleansH, IOMurderLife19972001P/FA
LazzellDavid32WhiteLAIberiaCV, NC, P, SAChild Sex AbuseProbation19912007P/FA
LewisRyan15BlackLAOrleansCV, JVAttempted MurderNot sentenced20042007DNAMWID
MatthewsRyan17BlackLAJeffersonCDC, H, JVPR, WHMurderDeath19992004DNAMWIDP/FAOM
MeyersTerrence21BlackLAJeffersonH, IOPR, WHMurderLife without parole19932010P/FAOMILD
MorganJerome17BlackLAOrleansCV, H, IO, JVPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, PJ, PLMurderLife without parole19942016P/FAOMILD
MosesLarry39BlackLAOrleansCIU, H, IOPR, WHMurderLife without parole19952023P/FAOM
NelsonLeroy17BlackLAOrleansCIU, H, IO, JVPR, OF, WH, NW, PLMurderLife without parole19962022MWIDP/FAOM
Ramirez-PowerHollie36WhiteLASt. TammanyF, NCOF, WH, NW, PJTraffic OffenseNot sentenced20182018P/FAF/MFEOM
ReederKuantau20BlackLAOrleansCIU, HPR, WH, NW, KP, WT, PLMurderLife without parole19952021MWIDP/FAOM
RhodesTroy34BlackLAOrleansPR, NW, KPAttempted Murder149 years20032021MWIDP/FAOMILD
RuanoJulio42HispanicLAOrleans OF, NW, WTAssault7 years20112017MWIDOM
ShannonMichael41BlackLAOrleansH, IOMurderLife without parole20112018MWIDILD
SimmonsVincent24BlackLAAvoyellesCV, NC, SAPR, OF, WH, NWChild Sex Abuse100 years19772022P/FAOM
SmithKaliegh31BlackLAOrleansCIU, H, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WTMurderLife without parole20102021DNAMWIDP/FAOMILD
StewartKia17BlackLAOrleansCIU, H, IO, JVMurderLife without parole20092015MWIDILD
ThibodeauxDamon21WhiteLAJeffersonCV, H, IO, SAPR, OF, WH, NW, INTMurderDeath19972012DNAMWIDFCF/MFEOM
ThompsonJohn22BlackLAOrleansCDC, HPR, WH, NW, KPMurderDeath19852003MWIDP/FAOM
ThompsonJohn22BlackLAOrleansPR, WHRobbery49 years and 6 months19851999MWIDOM
Toca, Jr.George17BlackLAOrleansCV, H, IO, JV, PPR, WHMurderLife without parole19852022MWIDP/FAOMILD
TriplettEddie38BlackLAOrleansPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, PJDrug Possession or SaleLife without parole19982011P/FAOM
TruviaEarl17BlackLAOrleansCV, H, IO, JVPR, WHMurderLife19762003P/FAOMILD
WalterSullivan17BlackLAOrleansCIU, IO, JV, SAPR, WHSexual Assault35 years19862022MWIDF/MFEOMILD
WilliamsArchie22BlackLAEast Baton RougeIO, SAOF, NW, WTAttempted MurderLife without parole19832019MWIDF/MFEOM
WilliamsCalvinBlackLAOrleansHPR, WHMurderLife19771996OM
WilliamsDwayne22BlackLAOrleansCIU, HPR, OF, WHMurderLife without parole19952022MWIDOM
WilliamsHayes19BlackLAOrleansH, POF, WHMurderLife19681997P/FAOM
WilliamsMichael31BlackLAJeffersonH, IOPR, WH, NW, KP, WTMurderLife19972011P/FAOM
WilliamsMichael Anthony16BlackLAJacksonIO, JV, SASexual AssaultLife without parole19812005DNAMWID
WillisCalvin21BlackLACaddoCV, IO, SAOF, WH, NWChild Sex AbuseLife without parole19822003DNAMWIDF/MFEOM