Donor Honor Roll
We are deeply thankful for the generous support we receive from lawyers, researchers, students, foundations and friends of the Registry. Our work depends on it. You can join in the giving here.
Denise Foderaro and Frank Quattrone
Martha and James Newkirk
Anonymous Donor
Vital Projects Fund
American Endowment Foundation
Anonymous Donors
Foundation for Prosecutorial Accountability
The Innocence Project
Jewish Communal Fund
Model Foundation
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Starr Foundation
Wake Forest University Law School’s Accountable Prosecutor Project
The Registry exists due to the generous donation of both time and money from many people:
Allen, Ross
Alley, Julie
Anderson, Kay
Anderson, Susan
Artigues, Moira
Bailey, Kathryn
Baumgardner, Anne
Belger, Amy
Benjamin & Seema Pulier Charitable Foundation
Bernhard, Adele
Black, Gwendolyn Kuhns
Boreen, Stuart
Buchanan, Christina
Carney, Nat
Centurian Ministries
Chapman, Mark
Charity, Clarence
Clarke, Donald
Cole, Simon
Copenhaver, Charles
Couture, Bryan
Dennis, Marie
Douglas, Judy
Dunlap, Teresa
Eggenberger, Andrew
Eldan, Jon
Findley, Keith
Foderaro, John
Gardner, Tammy
Gemino, Lisa
Gesher Family Foundation
Glerum, Katrina
Goldberg, Lesley E.
Gonzales, Rodolfo Huizar
Graham, Munroe
Green, Kevin
Gross, Samuel
Grosso, Catherine & Gasteyer, Stephen
Herrick, Mary
Hilleary, Richard
Iaquinto, Patrick
Johnson, Judith
Kahan, Paul
Kassin, Saul
Kelly, Laura
Kelly, Robin
Kendall, Timothy
Ketzner, Grace
Kim, Frances
King, Peter
Kloke, Daniel
Konvisser, Zieva
Lake, Vivian
Lalljie, William
Le, Pauline Trinh
Leo, Richard
Levy, Harold
Locke, Keitner
Markey, Susan
Marvin Zalman
Master, Neel
Matthew, Scott
Mccausland, Robert
McCrie, Robert
McCudden, Tom
McGuire, DeJuan
Meissner, Christian
Mikush, Sandra & Don
Mininger, Thomas
Montonna, Christine
Mulfinger, Noah
Natarajan, Radha
National Philanthropic Trust
Neufeld, Peter
Nyugen, Saramai
O'Brien, Barbara
O’Brien, Peter K.
O'Connell, Nick
O'Connor, John
Olander, Neal
Otterbourg, Kenneth
Paedae, Katherine
Peterson, Tom
Petro, Nancy and Jim
Possley, Maurice
Ravitz, Arthur
Regan, Haley
Reinberg, Yonattan
Richardson, Jason
Riechers, Mary
Risinger, Lesley
Robbins, Susan
Robinson, Andre
Rudin, Norah
Sanchez, Maxine
Santos, Rowena Singson
Schepard, David
Shanies, David
Shepardson, Jessica
Simons, William
Stolar, Ellen
Stonebraker, Gina
Sui, Sin Ho
The District Social Fund
Tilley, Camille
Tobin, John
Tribble, James
Triolo, Theresa
Troilo, Lisa
Valles, Troi
Van Dine, Alexandra
VanGuard Charitable
Walsh, Des
Watson, Tom
Whitlock, Daniel
Winkler, Matthew
Woolway, III, Harry
Yant, Marvin