.jpg) Jermaine Walker On February 21, 2006, Chicago police officers, acting on what they said was a citizen’s tip about drug sales in an alley near Lawrence Avenue and Sheridan Road on Chicago’s North Side, approached a car where a man was leaning into the passenger window.
The officers said the man outside the car, later identified as Dewey Brown, fled and was captured nearby. The officers also said that the driver of the car, 29-year-old Jermaine Walker, tossed a golf ball-sized package of cocaine out of the car. The officers said they found cocaine in the car next to Walker’s front seat passenger, his 30-year-old brother, Russell Walker.
All three were charged with possession of cocaine and Jermaine Walker was additionally charged with possession of cocaine with intent to distribute within 1,000 feet of a school.
Walker contended that the officers planted the drugs on him, pulled him out of the car and kicked and punched him into submission. Walker claimed that he told the officers they were being recorded on a surveillance camera on the side of a building in the alley, but they continued to beat him.
Walker went to trial in May 2006 in Cook County Circuit Court and defended himself without a lawyer. His pre-trial request for funds to hire an investigator to document his claim—that there was a surveillance camera in the alley that would have shown the drugs were planted and that he was beaten by the officers—was denied by Judge Catherine Haberkorn.
Police officers Eric Reyes and Sebastian Flately testified that they saw Walker toss drugs out of the car and that they recovered drugs from Brown when he was captured after a foot chase. Both officers also testified there was no video camera in the alley.
Thomas Finnelly, a former Chicago police officer then working as an investigator for the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, testified that he inspected the alley and took photographs which were admitted into evidence and which Finnelly said documented that there was no camera in the alley.
During closing argument, the prosecutor told the jury, “There was a camera somewhere in the alley? Ladies and gentlemen, there is absolutely no evidence of that. Witness after witness after witness took that stand and told you there is no camera. You have pictures of the alley, including close-ups that show you there is no camera.
“If there was a camera, do you think defendant and his brother would be stupid enough to deal drugs in front of it? Come on. Don’t you think that they would pick a different alley? Get real. The officers planted the drugs? This is the most baffling of all.”
On June 2, 2006, the jury convicted Walker of both counts of possession of cocaine. He was sentenced to 10 to 22 years in prison. Walker’s brother and Brown pled guilty and each served about one year in prison.
Walker’s conviction was upheld on appeal by the Illinois Appellate Court, which said a new investigation of Walker’s claim that Finnelly’s photographs intentionally omitted some of the buildings in the alley would be “a meaningless exercise.”
However, Ingrid Gill, an assistant Cook County public defender, began re-investigating Walker’s case and discovered that there was a camera in the alley which produced a live video feed to a monitor inside an apartment building, although no recording made of the video feed was made.
Gill obtained sworn affidavits from employees at the apartment building who testified that the camera was in place at the time that Walker was arrested.
Gill had earlier filed a motion requesting DNA tests on the packages of drugs that the officers claimed Walker had tossed from the car to determine whether Walker’s DNA was present. That motion was still pending in 2015 when she filed a post-conviction motion for a new trial based on the evidence of the existence of the surveillance camera.
Assistant State’s Attorney Celeste Stack, who headed the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Special Litigation Unit, began a reinvestigation of the case. On March 25, 2016, she asked Judge Haberkorn to vacate Walker’s convictions and dismissed the case.
Haberkorn declared, “A severe injustice was done here. But everybody in the court system was relying on the information and the photographs that were sworn to as the truth, and it is very disturbing and upsetting, especially as a judge, to be involved in a system where an officer of the court would come in and swear under oath to something that was not true.”
Haberkorn then granted the motion to vacate the convictions and the charges were dismissed. Walker was immediately released from prison. The request for DNA testing was then withdrawn.
In April 2016, Walker was granted a certificate of innocence and was awarded $188,000 in state compensation. In July 2016, he filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city of Chicago and Cook County. In March 2023, Cook County settled for $1 million. A jury found in favor of the city of Chicago.
– Maurice Possley