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A Project of the University of California Irvine Newkirk Center for Science & Society,
University of Michigan Law School & Michigan State University College of Law


How to use the Registry. First, scroll down until you s​ee the list of names. To sort any of the columns, place the cursor over a column heading, such as AGE, and click on the arrow. You can sort in alphabetical or chronological order or click on a particular value to select just the cases in that category. You can sort on more than one column or even multiple columns: such as STAT​E and COUNTY and CRIME.

The two columns with "Tags" in their labels allow you to sort cases by additional characteristics. At the top of the page, you will see the listing of the various Tags. To see more detailed definitions for these terms, hover over their full names or click on the links. You can only sort for one variable at a time in the TAG columns. To sort for several at once, please download our data as a spreadsheet.


OM Tags

  • PR: Prosecutor Misconduct
  • OF: Police Officer Misconduct
  • FA: Forensic Analyst Misconduct
  • CW: Child Welfare Worker Misconduct
  • WH: Withheld Exculpatory Evidence
  • NW: Misconduct That Is Not Withholding Evidence
  • KP: Knowingly Permitting Perjury
  • WT: Witnes​s Tampering Or Misconduct Interrogating Co-defendant
  • INT: Misconduct In Interrogation of Exoneree
  • PJ: Perjury By Official
  • PL: Prosecutor Lied In Court

The six columns on the far right of this page display separately the Contributing Factors that contributed to the wrongful conviction. To save space, we use abbreviations. To see definitions of these factors, click on their full names:

​Keyword Filter:

Connected to: National Registry of Exonerations

To search the Registry for a name or keyword, type in the [Search] box. The filter finds cases that contain any of the words you enter if you check Or, or all of them if you check And. Do not use quotation marks. It allows truncation, but not with truncation symbols such as * and !​

OM Tags
Count= 96
AhmedMubarez31OtherMIWayneCIU, H, IOOF, WH, NW, WT, PJMurder44 to 60 years20022018P/FAOMILD
AndersonEric20BlackMIWayneCIU, IORobbery15 to 22 years20102019MWID
AnsariAlexandre28BlackMIWayneCIU, CV, HOF, WHMurderLife without parole20132019MWID
AtkinsDennis21BlackMIWayneCIU, CV, HMurderLife20062022
AveryChamar18BlackMIWayneHMurder20 to 50 years20002010MWIDILD
BaughJimmie35BlackMIWayneCDC, HPR, WHMurderLife without parole20032023P/FAOM
BerryGregory20WhiteMIWayneCDC, CIU, HOF, WH, NW, WTMurderLife without parole20042020P/FAOM
BrimDominique14BlackMIWayneF, JVAssaultNot sentenced20022002MWIDP/FA
Bruner IICarl29BlackMIWayneHOF, WH, NW, KP, PJMurderLife without parole20142020MWIDP/FAOM
BunkleyDerrick22BlackMIWayneAttempted Murder17 to 32 years20142016MWIDILD
BurtonDanny19BlackMIWayneCDC, CIU, HOF, WH, NW, WTMurderLife without parole19872019P/FAOM
CalhounTerance19BlackMIWayneCIU, CV, IO, P, SAChild Sex Abuse17 to 32 years20072022DNAMWIDFC
CarterEdward19BlackMIWayneSASexual AssaultLife19752010MWIDF/MFEILD
CashTazell18BlackMIWayneCIURobbery10 to 20 years20172019MWIDILD
ChancellorDarell29BlackMIWayneCIUOF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale14 1/4 to 30 years20122020P/FAOMILD
ClarkAlphonso23BlackMIWayneCIU, HPR, OF, WH, NW, WTMurderLife without parole20052023P/FAF/MFEOMILD
ClarkGeorge31BlackMIWayneCIU, HOF, WH, NW, WTMurderLife without parole20032020P/FAOM
Clark, Jr.Paul19BlackMIWayneCIU, H, IOPR, OF, WHMurderLife without parole19872024MWIDP/FAOM
ClayJames Chad-Lewis16BlackMIWayneCV, JV, SAChild Sex Abuse25 to 50 years20172019ILD
CorleyDiallo23BlackMIWayneAttempted Murder22 to 32 years20152020MWID
CottonMarvin21BlackMIWayneCIU, H, JIPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, PLMurderLife without parole20012020P/FAOMILD
CraigheadMark38BlackMIWayneH, IOOF, WH, NW, INT, PJManslaughter5 years and 4 months to 17 years20022022FCP/FAOM
CurryMartiece21BlackMIWayneSASexual Assault10 to 40 years19901995DNAMWIDILD
DavisDonya28BlackMIWayneIO, SASexual Assault22 years20072014DNAMWIDP/FA
DickersonJames39BlackMIWayneSASexual Assault2 to 15 years19921998DNAMWIDILD
DyerAnthony24BlackMIWayneCV, P, SASexual Assault7 1/2 to 15 years19912017DNAMWID
EalyMarcus26BlackMIWayneCIURobbery48 to 82 years20182020MWID
FisherGregory49BlackMIWayneCV, NC, SAChild Sex Abuse15 to 30 years20022017DNAP/FAF/MFE
FosterDemetrius24BlackMIWayneHMurder32 to 50 years20002014MWIDILD
FutrellRayshard 17BlackMIWayneH, JVPR, WHMurderLife20092010MWIDOM
GainesLynie36BlackMIWayneNC, PDrug Possession or Sale10 to 30 years19901997P/FA
HamiltonLacino19BlackMIWayneCIU, H, IO, JIPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, PJ, PLMurder52 to 82 years19952020DNAP/FAOM
HarringtonKevin20BlackMIWayneCIU, H, IOOF, WH, NW, WT, PJMurderLife without parole20032020P/FAOMILD
HickeyKainte29BlackMIWayneHMurderLife without parole20082024P/FAILD
HighersRaymond20WhiteMIWayneH, JIMurderLife without parole19882013MWIDP/FA
HighersThomas21WhiteMIWayneH, JIMurderLife without parole19882013MWIDP/FA
HillLaVone24Native AmericanMIWayneCIU, H, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, WT, PJMurderLife without parole20022024P/FAF/MFEOMILD
HolbrookMatthew35WhiteMIWayneH, NCMurder17 to 27 years20062009P/FAF/MFEILD
HowardBernard18BlackMIWayneCDC, CIU, CV, H, IO, JIPR, OF, WH, NW, WT, INT, PJMurderLife without parole19952020FCP/FAOMILD
IshoWaleed21WhiteMIWayneCIUAttempted Murder8 to 20 years19902020P/FA
JenkinsLaWanda48BlackMIWayneF, NCAssaultProbation20152019P/FAILD
JohnsonJustly24BlackMIWayneH, IOOF, WH, NW, WTMurderLife without parole20002018P/FAOMILD
JonesElroy Lucky26BlackMIWayneHPR, WHMurderLife without parole20062014P/FAOM
KhalilEdward28BlackMIWayneCDC, CIU, HMurderLife20122020MWIDP/FAILD
LackeyKevin18BlackMIWayneCIU, CV, IO, SAChild Sex Abuse15 to 25 years19932019F/MFEILD
LeeWilliam17BlackMIWayneJV, NC, SAPR, WH, NW, PLSexual Assault15 to 30 years20072010DNAP/FAOM
LegionAnthony27BlackMIWayneCIU, H, JIPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, PLMurderLife without parole20012020P/FAOM
LewisRyan45BlackMIWayneNCOther Violent Felony10 to 25 years20152018P/FAILD
LittleAnthony43BlackMIWayneNCFailure to Pay Child SupportProbation20092013
LloydEddie Joe34BlackMIWayneCV, H, IO, SAOF, NW, INTMurderLife19852002DNAFCOMILD
LongChristopher23BlackMIWayneNCAssault3 1/2 to 7 years20082008P/FA
LoveDwight22BlackMIWayneHPR, OF, WH, NW, WTMurderLife19822001MWIDP/FAOM
Marshall, Jr.Hubert22BlackMIWayneHMurder25 to 50 years19901997MWIDILD
McDowellVidale18BlackMIWayneCDC, HOF, WH, NW, WT, PJMurderLife20032004P/FAF/MFEOM
McHenryMarwin20BlackMIWayneIOAttempted Murder16 to 27 years20132017MWID
McKenzieGerald24BlackMIWayneCVAttempted MurderLife19842004ILD
MitchellCharlie34BlackMIWayneHMurder10 to 15 years19892006P/FAILD
MonsonLamarr23BlackMIWayneCV, H, IOOF, WH, NW, INT, PJMurder30 to 50 years19972017FCP/FAOMILD
MontgomeryKonrad29BlackMIWaynePR, NW, PLRobbery12 to 27 years20132016MWIDOMILD
Montgomery, Jr.Gary18BlackMIWayneAttempted Murder13 to 32 years20152017P/FA
NixonKenneth19BlackMIWayneA, CIU, CV, H, IO, JIMurderLife without parole20052021P/FAF/MFE
NolenKelvin26BlackMIWayneCIU, H, IOMurderLife without parole20162022MWIDILD
OgilvieEric43WhiteMIWayneNCOF, WHAssault2 years20102024OMILD
OwensDavid19BlackMIWayneCDC, CIU, HOF, WH, NW, WTMurder25 years19882021P/FAOM
PalazzoloJohn48WhiteMIWayneNC, SASexual Assault6 to 15 years20062012P/FAILD
PhillipsRichard25BlackMIWayneCDC, CIU, H, IOPR, WH, NW, KPMurderLife without parole19722018P/FAOMILD
PippenRoderick21BlackMIWayneHMurderLife without parole20142024P/FAF/MFEILD
PoindexterQuinn29BlackMIWayneAssault15 1/2 to 22 years20012009MWIDP/FAILD
PowelsMichael26BlackMIWayneCIU, HMurder45 to 75 years20072019P/FA
ProvienceDwayne26BlackMIWayneH, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, WTMurder32 to 62 years20012010P/FAOMILD
Raby, Jr.Earl28BlackMIWayneDestruction of PropertyProbation19981999MWIDILD
ReedDeShawn24BlackMIWayneIOOF, WH, NW, PJAttempted Murder20 to 30 years20012009P/FAOM
ReedMarvin33BlackMIWayneIOOF, WH, NW, PJAttempted Murder20 to 32 years20012009P/FAOM
RicksDesmond25BlackMIWayneH, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, WT, PJMurder30 to 60 years19922017P/FAF/MFEOM
RomeoJoe55WhiteMIWayneCIUOF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or SaleProbation20052021P/FAOM
SalterAaron20BlackMIWayneCIU, HMurderLife without parole20032018MWIDILD
SaltersKaveo17BlackMIWayneCIU, CV, JVAttempted Murder27 to 42 years20122019MWID
SanfordDavontae14BlackMIWayneH, IO, JV, POF, NW, PJMurder39 to 90 years20082016FCP/FAOMILD
ScottKendrick20BlackMIWayneH, IOOF, WH, NW, WTMurderLife without parole20002018P/FAOMILD
ShelmanEron19BlackMIWayneCDC, HPR, NW, PLMurderLife19922025P/FAOMILD
ShowersKurtis DeAngelo28BlackMIWayneRobberyLife19941998MWIDF/MFE
SiggersDarrell20BlackMIWayneCIU, HOF, WH, NW, WTMurderLife without parole19842018MWIDP/FAF/MFEOM
Smith, Jr.Larry18BlackMIWayneCIU, H, IO, JIPR, WH, NW, KP, WT, PLMurderLife without parole19942021MWIDFCP/FAF/MFEOM
SwiftWalter21BlackMIWayneIO, SAPR, OF, WHSexual Assault30 to 55 years19822008MWIDF/MFEOMILD
TaylorJT Keyshawn24BlackMIWayneNCOF, WH, NW, PJWeapon Possession or Sale5 years20182022P/FAOMILD
ThomasGerry30BlackMIWayneCIU, IO, SAAttempted Murder40 to 60 years19912020MWID
TownsParrish20BlackMIWayneHMurderLife without parole19832007MWIDILD
TuckerDavid28BlackMIWaynePR, WHAssault6 to 10 years19921999MWIDOMILD
WardRamon18BlackMIWayneCIU, H, JIPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, PJMurderLife without parole19952020FCP/FAOM
WatkinsLedura19BlackMIWayneCDC, H, IOPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, PJ, PLMurderLife without parole19762017P/FAF/MFEOM
WellsHarold24BlackMIWaynePossession of Stolen Property1 1/2 to 5 years19921993ILD
WilliamsDuane42BlackMIWayneA, CIU, H, IO, NCPR, FA, WH, NW, PJMurderLife without parole20132024P/FAF/MFEOM
WilliamsRonald44BlackMIWayneHManslaughter10 to 20 years20102013MWIDILD
WilsonCarol Jean57BlackMIWayneF, NCForgeryProbation20112013P/FAILD
YoungBernard29BlackMIWayneCV, IO, SAPR, WHChild Sex Abuse60 to 100 years19892017P/FAOM
YoungPaul17BlackMIWayneCIU, H, JVOF, WH, NW, WT, INTMurderLife without parole19872021FCP/FAOM