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A Project of the University of California Irvine Newkirk Center for Science & Society,
University of Michigan Law School & Michigan State University College of Law


How to use the Registry. First, scroll down until you s​ee the list of names. To sort any of the columns, place the cursor over a column heading, such as AGE, and click on the arrow. You can sort in alphabetical or chronological order or click on a particular value to select just the cases in that category. You can sort on more than one column or even multiple columns: such as STAT​E and COUNTY and CRIME.

The two columns with "Tags" in their labels allow you to sort cases by additional characteristics. At the top of the page, you will see the listing of the various Tags. To see more detailed definitions for these terms, hover over their full names or click on the links. You can only sort for one variable at a time in the TAG columns. To sort for several at once, please download our data as a spreadsheet.


OM Tags

  • PR: Prosecutor Misconduct
  • OF: Police Officer Misconduct
  • FA: Forensic Analyst Misconduct
  • CW: Child Welfare Worker Misconduct
  • WH: Withheld Exculpatory Evidence
  • NW: Misconduct That Is Not Withholding Evidence
  • KP: Knowingly Permitting Perjury
  • WT: Witnes​s Tampering Or Misconduct Interrogating Co-defendant
  • INT: Misconduct In Interrogation of Exoneree
  • PJ: Perjury By Official
  • PL: Prosecutor Lied In Court

The six columns on the far right of this page display separately the Contributing Factors that contributed to the wrongful conviction. To save space, we use abbreviations. To see definitions of these factors, click on their full names:

​Keyword Filter:

Connected to: National Registry of Exonerations

To search the Registry for a name or keyword, type in the [Search] box. The filter finds cases that contain any of the words you enter if you check Or, or all of them if you check And. Do not use quotation marks. It allows truncation, but not with truncation symbols such as * and !​

OM Tags
Count= 38
ButlerSabrina18BlackMSLowndesCV, F, H, NCPR, NWMurderDeath19901995FCF/MFEOM
ChoyFrances17AsianMAPlymouthA, CDC, F, H, IO, JVPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, PJ, PLMurderLife without parole20112020FCP/FAF/MFEOMILD
ChristophDayna16WhiteWASpokaneCV, F, IO, JV, NC, P, SAOF, NW, INTChild Sex Abuse21 to 28 weeks19952000FCOMILD
DahlConnie19WhiteCAEl DoradoF, H, PH, POF, NW, INTManslaughterone year20032024DNAFCF/MFEOM
DawsKelly44WhiteTXJeffersonCDC, F, NCPR, WHConspiracy12 years20192022FCP/FAOMILD
EskewJasmine21WhiteMTCascadeCV, F, SBSOF, NW, INTChild Abuse5 years20142017FCOM
EverettIdella41WhiteWAChelanCSH, CV, F, IO, NC, P, SAOF, CW, NW, WT, INTChild Sex Abuse4 years and 8 months19941998FCP/FAF/MFEOM
FigueroaFancy16HispanicNYQueensF, JV, M, NC, PFiling a False ReportCommunity service19972004DNAFC
GathersVanessa33BlackNYKingsCIU, F, HManslaughter5 to 15 years19982016FC
GrayPaula17BlackILCookF, H, JI, JV, P, SAPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, INTMurder50 years19782002MWIDFCP/FAF/MFEOMILD
GreenDoris34WhiteWAChelanCSH, CV, F, IO, NC, SAOF, NW, WT, INTChild Sex Abuse23 years19951999FCP/FAOM
HarrisNicole23BlackILCookCIU, CV, F, H, IO, NCOF, WH, NW, INTMurder30 years20052013FCOMILD
HemmeSandra20WhiteMOBuchananF, H, IO, PPR, OF, WHMurderLife without parole19812024FCOMILD
HubbardDonna Sue30WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, NC, SAOF, NW, WTChild Sex AbuseLife19851995FCP/FAF/MFEOM
JacksonMartina44Don't KnowCTNew HavenA, CDC, F, NC, PConspiracyNot sentenced20182019FCP/FAF/MFE
JohnsonLatisha18BlackNYBronxCDC, FPR, OF, WH, NW, INTAttempted Murder40 years20072014MWIDFCP/FAOM
LaBatteBeth24WhiteWIKewauneeF, H, IO, JIMurderLife19972006DNAFCP/FA
LattaJacqueline27WhiteINLaPorteA, CV, F, H, NCPR, WH, PJMurder50 years19902002FCP/FAF/MFEOMILD
LobatoKirstin18WhiteNVClarkF, H, IO, JIMurder40 to 100 years20022017FCP/FAF/MFEILD
LynchRenay39BlackNYErieCIU, F, H, IO, JIPR, OF, WH, NW, PJMurder25 to life19982024DNAFCP/FAF/MFEOM
MilkeDebra25WhiteAZMaricopaCDC, CV, F, HPR, OF, WH, NW, PJMurderDeath19902015FCP/FAOM
MonroeBeverly54WhiteVAPowhatanF, H, NCPR, OF, WH, NW, INTMurder22 years19922003FCP/FAF/MFEOM
MorrisSpeciale24BlackCTNew HavenA, CDC, F, NC, PConspiracyNot sentenced20182019FCP/FAF/MFE
MuleroMarilyn21HispanicILCookCDC, F, H, IO, JI, POF, NW, WT, INT, PJMurderDeath19932022FCP/FAOMILD
MulherinCrystal31WhiteMIGeneseeF, JIAttempted Murder17 to 30 years20222024DNAMWIDFCP/FAILD
MurphyMichelle17Native AmericanOKTulsaCV, F, H, IO, JVPR, OF, FA, WH, NW, INT, PJ, PLMurderLife without parole19952014DNAFCP/FAF/MFEOMILD
MurrayLacresha11BlackTXTravisCV, F, H, JVPR, OF, NW, INTMurder20 years19962001FCF/MFEOMILD
PavlinacLaverne57WhiteORMultnomahF, H, SAMurder10 to Life19911995FC
SheldenDebra26WhiteNEGageCDC, F, P, SAAccessory to Murder10 years19892009DNAFCP/FAF/MFEILD
SpellmanIndia17BlackPAPhiladelphiaCDC, CIU, F, H, JVPR, OF, WH, NW, KP, WT, INT, PJMurder30 to Life20132023MWIDFCP/FAOMILD
TannerHattie35BlackMICalhounF, H, IOOF, WH, NW, PJMurderLife without parole20002018FCP/FAF/MFEOM
TaylorAda JoAnn21WhiteNEGageCDC, F, H, P, SAOF, NW, WTMurder40 years19892009DNAFCP/FAF/MFEOMILD
TigerNatascha40Don't KnowNYOrangeCV, F, NC, POther Violent Felony4 months20122023FCF/MFEILD
TiscarenoAbigail40HispanicUTSummitCV, F, NC, SBSPR, WHChild AbuseNot sentenced20042005FCF/MFEOMILD
TysonBetty24BlackNYMonroeCDC, F, HPR, OF, WH, NW, WT, INT, PJMurder25 to Life19731998FCP/FAOM
VossKrystal28WhiteCOAlamosaCDC, CV, F, H, NC, SBSPR, WHMurder20 years20042017FCP/FAF/MFEOMILD
WilliamsEmmaline43BlackILCookCDC, CV, F, NC, SAOF, WH, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse12 years19861995FCP/FAOMILD
WoodsCathy26WhiteNVWashoeF, H, IOOF, WH, NW, PJMurderLife without parole19802015DNAFCOM