Michael S. Barr
March 2012, Brookings Institution Press: Michael S. Barr; No Slack.
Exploring the Determinants of High-Cost Mortgages to Homeowners in Low- and Moderate-Income Neighborhoods, in Susan Wachter and Marty Smith, eds., The American Mortgage System: Rethink, Recover, Rebuild, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011 (with J. Dokko & B. Keys).
Financial Services, Saving and Borrowing Among Low and Moderate-Income Households, in Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking among Low- and Moderate-Income Households, Michael S. Barr & Rebecca Blank, eds., Russell Sage (2009).
Access to Financial Services, Savings, and Assets Among the Poor: Introduction and Overview (with Blank), in Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking among Low- and Moderate-Income Households, Michael S. Barr & Rebecca Blank, eds., Russell Sage (2009).
Third-Party Tax Administration: The Case of Low- and Moderate-Income Households, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 5(4): 965-983 (2008) (with J. Dokko).
Tax Filing Experiences and Withholding Preferences of Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Preliminary Evidence from a New Survey, Proceedings of the 2006 IRS Research Conference, Recent Research on Tax Administration and Compliance, IRS Research Bulletin 193-210 (2006) (Jane Dokko, co-author).
Payments Innovations in Serving Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Evidence from a New Survey, in Innovations in Real Estate Markets: Risks, Rewards, and the Role of Regulation, Proceedings, 42nd Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, 448-460, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (May 2006) (Jane Dokko and Ed Bacheldor, co-authors).
Tax Preparation Services for Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Preliminary Evidence from a New Survey, Proceedings of the 98th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, 255-263 (2006) (Jane Dokko, co-author).
University of Michigan Office of the Provost
University of Michigan Office of the Vice President for Research
National Poverty Center
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Fannie Mae Foundation
Ford Foundation
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation