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A Project of the University of California Irvine Newkirk Center for Science & Society,
University of Michigan Law School & Michigan State University College of Law


How to use the Registry. First, scroll down until you s​ee the list of names. To sort any of the columns, place the cursor over a column heading, such as AGE, and click on the arrow. You can sort in alphabetical or chronological order or click on a particular value to select just the cases in that category. You can sort on more than one column or even multiple columns: such as STAT​E and COUNTY and CRIME.

The two columns with "Tags" in their labels allow you to sort cases by additional characteristics. At the top of the page, you will see the listing of the various Tags. To see more detailed definitions for these terms, hover over their full names or click on the links. You can only sort for one variable at a time in the TAG columns. To sort for several at once, please download our data as a spreadsheet.


OM Tags

  • PR: Prosecutor Misconduct
  • OF: Police Officer Misconduct
  • FA: Forensic Analyst Misconduct
  • CW: Child Welfare Worker Misconduct
  • WH: Withheld Exculpatory Evidence
  • NW: Misconduct That Is Not Withholding Evidence
  • KP: Knowingly Permitting Perjury
  • WT: Witnes​s Tampering Or Misconduct Interrogating Co-defendant
  • INT: Misconduct In Interrogation of Exoneree
  • PJ: Perjury By Official
  • PL: Prosecutor Lied In Court

The six columns on the far right of this page display separately the Contributing Factors that contributed to the wrongful conviction. To save space, we use abbreviations. To see definitions of these factors, click on their full names:

​Keyword Filter:

Connected to: National Registry of Exonerations

To search the Registry for a name or keyword, type in the [Search] box. The filter finds cases that contain any of the words you enter if you check Or, or all of them if you check And. Do not use quotation marks. It allows truncation, but not with truncation symbols such as * and !​

OM Tags
Count= 102
AceroLongino35HispanicCASanta ClaraNC, PSex Offender Registration2 years and 4 months19942006ILD
BaileySamuel32Don't KnowCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJWeapon Possession or Sale2 years and 8 months19961999P/FAOM
BanianiBorzou27OtherCAOrangeNCDrug Possession or SaleProbation20132014
BanksBrian16BlackCALos AngelesCV, IO, JV, NC, P, SASexual Assault6 years20032012P/FA
BaruxesKevin18WhiteCASan DiegoNC, SASexual Assault18 to Life19962003P/FA
BenavidesVicente42HispanicCAKernCV, H, NC, SA, SBSPR, OF, FA, CW, WH, NW, WT, PJMurderDeath19932018P/FAF/MFEOMILD
BookerLarry30WhiteCAMercedCIU, CV, NC, P, SAChild Sex AbuseProbation19932017P/FA
BryantJames38BlackCALos AngelesNCPR, OF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale12 years19972000P/FAOM
CandidoRoberto23HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJWeapon Possession or Sale2 years and 8 months19982000P/FAOM
CarranzaCarlos24HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale1 year19982000P/FAOM
CarrilloDelbert21HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, INTDrug Possession or Sale2 years19982000FCP/FAOM
Castillo-LopezEmmanuel25HispanicCASan DiegoNCWeapon Possession or Sale3 years and 8 months20132018
CerranoDennis46WhiteCASolanoCV, NC, SAChild Sex Abuse6 years19982000P/FAF/MFE
ChenBoping49AsianCASan MateoCV, NC, SAChild Sex Abuse14 years20062009P/FAILD
CopithorneMichael36WhiteCANapaCV, NC, SAChild Sex Abuse5 years20122014P/FA
CoxRichard47WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, NC, P, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WT, PJChild Sex Abuse82 years19851991P/FAOMILD
CoxTeresa Lynne17WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, JI, JV, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WT, PJChild Sex Abuse10 years19852000P/FAOM
CrabtreeDarwin32WhiteCAButteCV, IO, NC, SAOF, CW, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse16 years19912018P/FAOMILD
DiazTony56WhiteCASan DiegoM, NCOF, WH, NW, PJOther Nonviolent MisdemeanorFine20162017P/FAOM
DillGrace50WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, JI, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex AbuseLife19851991P/FAF/MFEOM
Dill, Jr.Wayne26WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, JI, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex AbuseLife19851991P/FAF/MFEOM
DominguezJonathan15HispanicCALos AngelesJV, NCOF, WH, NW, PJAssaultNot sentenced20062006P/FAOM
EldridgeYvonne41WhiteCAContra CostaCV, F, NCChild Abuse3 years and 4 months19962003F/MFEILD
FaulknerKenneth39WhiteCAKernCV, NC, SAKidnapping30 to Life20002003P/FA
ForsytheColleen Dill26WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, JI, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex AbuseLife19851991P/FAF/MFEOM
ForsytheWayne28WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, JI, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex AbuseLife19851991P/FAF/MFEOM
FunesJeffery15HispanicCALos AngelesJV, NCOF, WH, NW, PJAssaultNot sentenced20062006P/FAOM
GaliciaLuis21HispanicCASan DiegoCV, NC, SAOF, NW, INTChild Sex Abuse15 to Life20082011FCP/FAF/MFEOM
GomezAlfredo24HispanicCALos AngelesCDC, NC, POF, WH, NW, INTWeapon Possession or Sale1 year and 4 months19972000FCP/FAOM
GonzalezDaniel18HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NWAssaultNot sentenced20062007P/FAOM
GraftonMarjorie52WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, NC, SAOF, CW, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse16 years19851990P/FAOM
GuardadoManuelHispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NWDrug Possession or SaleProbation19972000P/FAOM
GuevaraCarlos19HispanicCALos AngelesNCOF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale1 year19982000P/FAOM
HarrisClinton32BlackCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NWWeapon Possession or Sale3 years19962000FCP/FAOM
HartJames Thomas43WhiteCANapaCV, NC, SAChild Sex Abuse12 years19902001P/FAILD
HeadCharles31BlackCAOrangeM, NC, PWeapon Possession or SaleProbation20062021ILD
HernandezMiguelHispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJWeapon Possession or Sale1 year and 4 months19961999P/FAOM
Holmes IIICharles41WhiteCASan DiegoNC, PSex Offender Registration9 years20052014ILD
HubbardDonna Sue30WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, NC, SAOF, NW, WTChild Sex AbuseLife19851995FCP/FAF/MFEOM
JohnsonZavion18BlackCASacramentoCIU, CV, H, IO, NC, SBSMurder25 to life20022018F/MFE
Jones, Jr.Luther50BlackCALakeCV, NC, SAChild Sex Abuse27 years19982016P/FAF/MFE
KniffenBrenda29WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse20 to 22 years and 4 months19841996P/FAF/MFEOM
KniffenScott28WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse20 to 22 years and 4 months19841996P/FAF/MFEOM
LaraJose21HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, INTWeapon Possession or SaleProbation19972000FCP/FAOM
LeaJoe24HispanicCASolanoCV, NC, P, SAChild Sex Abuse16 to life20002009P/FAF/MFE
LiaoYun Hseng44AsianCALos AngelesCV, NCAttempted MurderLife20032016F/MFEILD
LindFrank44WhiteCAFresnoCV, NC, SAChild Sex Abuse30 to life20022005P/FA
LobosAllan20HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NWWeapon Possession or Sale1 year19962000P/FAOM
LoftusBrendan23WhiteCALakeCV, NC, SAChild Sex Abuse5 years19972000P/FA
MadridJoseHispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJWeapon Possession or Sale1 year and 4 months19972000P/FAOM
MarshKenneth28WhiteCASan DiegoCV, H, NC, SBSMurder15 to Life19832004F/MFE
MartinLawrence38Don't KnowCASanta ClaraNCWeapon Possession or Sale25 to Life19982020FC
McAnallyTamara32WhiteCASan DiegoF, NC, PFraudProbation20042011
McCuanAlvin28WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, NC, SAOF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse20 to 22 years and 4 months19841996P/FAF/MFEOM
McCuanDeborah25WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, NC, SAOF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse20 to 22 years and 4 months19841996P/FAF/MFEOM
MenaEnrique29HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, WT, INTWeapon Possession or Sale3 years19972000FCP/FAOM
MillerGina25WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, JI, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, NW, WTChild Sex AbuseLife19851991P/FAF/MFEOM
ModahlJeffrey29WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WT, PJChild Sex Abuse48 years19861999P/FAOM
MontesRoy18HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale1 year19961999P/FAOM
MooreJoanna14WhiteCAAlamedaCV, F, H, JV, NC, SAMurderNot sentenced19931994F/MFEILD
Moreno, Jr.Tony28HispanicCALos AngelesNC, PRobbery3 years20142016P/FA
MunozRaul23HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJAssault3 years19962000P/FAOM
NatividadCesar27HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJAssault227 days19962000P/FAOM
NavaLorenzo36HispanicCALos AngelesNCOF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale54 to life19972000P/FAOM
NewburnCalvin26BlackCALos AngelesNCOF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale7 years19971999P/FAOM
NewmanRussell41Don't KnowCALos AngelesNCOF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale12 years19922000P/FAOM
NguyenChuong42AsianCAContra CostaM, NC, POF, WH, NWOther Nonviolent Misdemeanor60 days20132016P/FAOM
O'HearnPatrick55WhiteCAMarinNC, POther Violent FelonyProbation20182021ILD
OvandoJavier19HispanicCALos AngelesNCOF, WH, NW, PJAssault23 years and 4 months19971999P/FAOM
PalomoTim28WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, NC, SAOF, CW, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse14 years19851990P/FAOM
PayneGlenn28BlackCASanta ClaraCIU, CV, IO, NC, SACW, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse27 years19902018P/FAF/MFEOMILD
PetersGerald28WhiteCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NWDrug Possession or Sale2 years19962000P/FAOM
PickettDaniel43WhiteCAButteCV, NC, SAPR, WH, NW, PLChild Sex AbuseNot sentenced20042004P/FAOM
PittsMarcella29WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, JI, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex AbuseLife19851991P/FAF/MFEOM
PittsRicky Lynn31WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, JI, NC, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WTChild Sex AbuseLife19851991P/FAF/MFEOM
PodarasCharles46WhiteCASan MateoM, NCOF, NW, PJAssault10 days20052006P/FAOM
PohlschneiderLarry33WhiteCATehamaCV, IO, NC, SAOF, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse24 years20012015P/FAF/MFEOMILD
PoulosMichelle33WhiteCALos AngelesF, IO, NC, PThreats2 years20012017P/FA
RivasWalter25HispanicCALos AngelesNCOF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale7 years19982000P/FAOM
RojasRubenHispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale6 years19971999P/FAOM
RollinJoseph Pierre45WhiteCAHumboldtNCDependent Adult Abuse8 years20042008F/MFEILD
RomeroCarlosHispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale1 year19971999P/FAOM
SahagunB.28HispanicCALos AngelesF, NC, POF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale1 year19972000P/FAOM
SchoppeCarl 30HispanicCAContra CostaNC, POF, WH, NWWeapon Possession or Sale1 year and 4 months20152016P/FAOM
SelfGrant31WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, NC, SAOF, CW, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse31 years19852008P/FAOM
SmithColin42WhiteCASan MateoNCAssaultNot sentenced20142016P/FA
Smith Paul49WhiteCAOrangeJI, NC, PPR, OF, NW, WTAttempt, Violent4 years and 8 months20102022P/FAOM
SommerCynthia28WhiteCASan DiegoF, H, NCMurderLife20072008F/MFEILD
StingleyWarren40BlackCAContra CostaM, NC, POF, WH, NWOther Nonviolent Misdemeanor20 days20132016P/FAOM
StollJohn41WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, IO, NC, SAOF, CW, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse40 years19852004P/FAOM
SuaresJuan21HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NWDrug Possession or Sale4 years19972000P/FAOM
TaggartMoonshadow34WhiteCAKernF, NCOther Nonviolent Felony7 years and 8 months20162019
TapiaDaniel16HispanicCALos AngelesJV, NC, POF, WH, NW, WTDrug Possession or SaleProbation19982000FCP/FAOM
TaylorRuth31WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, F, NC, P, SAPR, OF, CW, WH, NW, WT, PJChild Sex Abuse6 years19852001P/FAOMILD
TurnboughZedrick36BlackCAOrangeNCWeapon Possession or Sale4 years20152018
UmanaAlex31HispanicCALos AngelesNCOF, WH, NW, PJDrug Possession or Sale5 years19972000P/FAOM
ValentineRay55HispanicCAContra CostaM, NCOF, WH, NW, PJOther Nonviolent Misdemeanor110 days20142015P/FAOM
VrionesRene18HispanicCALos AngelesNC, POF, WH, NWDrug Possession or SaleProbation19962000P/FAOM
WeimerHoward57WhiteCAKernCSH, CV, NC, SAOF, WH, NW, WTChild Sex Abuse42 years19852005P/FAOM
WengerBraden30WhiteCAContra CostaM, NC, POther Nonviolent Misdemeanor25 days20152016P/FA
WilliamsMichael39BlackCALos AngelesNCOF, WH, NW, PJWeapon Possession or Sale25 to life19962000P/FAOM
WoodsWilliam51WhiteCALos AngelesCIU, NC, PFraud2 years20212024DNAP/FA