*** 2000 data *** DATA LIST FILE='C:\\TechnicalAppendix/da8429.p117' / V2 1-2 V3 3-4 (A) V4 5-5 (A) V5 6-12 (A) V9 13-14 filingmo 15-16 del1 17 (A) filingdy 18-19 del2 20-22 (A) filingyr 23-24 V7 25-25 V8 26-28 title 29-30 (A) section 31-34 (A) subsect 35-36 (A) RESIDENC 37-38 class 39-40 V15 41-44 FILEJUDG 45-46 (A) FILEMAG 47-48 (A) V17 49-53 ARBIT 54-55 (A) MDLDOCK 56-59 (A) plaint 60-89 (A) defend 90-119 (A) TRANSDAT 120-129 (A) TRANSOFF 130-131 (A) TRANSDOC 132-138 (A) TRANSORG 139-140 (A) V19 141-150 (A) termmo 141-142 delete1 143 (A) termdy 144-145 delete2 146-148 (A) termyr 149-150 termcact 151-152 TERMJUDG 153-154 (A) TERMMAG 155-156 (A) V23 157-158 V21 159-160 V24 161-162 V25 163-166 V27 167-168 TRMARB 169-170 (A) prose 171-172 tapeyear 173-176 . VARIABLE LABELS V2 "Circuit" V3 "District" V4 "Office" V5 "Docket Number" V7 "Jurisdiction" V8 "Nature Of Suit" V9 "Origin" V15 "Demand" V17 "County" V19 "Termination Date" V21 "Disposition" V23 "Procedural Progress" V24 "Nature Of Judgment" V25 "Amount Received" V27 "Judgment For" . RENAME VARIABLES V2=circuit V3=district V4=office V5=docket V7=jurisd V8=nos V9=source V15=demand V17=county V21=disp87 V23=proced87 V24=noj V25=award V27=judgefor . ***EXECUTE. FILTER OFF. USE ALL. SELECT IF(nos > 499 & nos < 600). ***EXECUTE . ***Change format of date variable RECODE termyr (Lowest thru -1=SYSMIS) (100 thru Highest=SYSMIS) / termmo (Lowest thru -1=SYSMIS) (13 thru Highest=SYSMIS) / termdy (Lowest thru -1=SYSMIS) (32 thru Highest=SYSMIS) . RECODE filingyr (Lowest thru -1=SYSMIS) (100 thru Highest=SYSMIS) / filingmo (Lowest thru -1=SYSMIS) (13 thru Highest=SYSMIS) / filingdy (Lowest thru -1=SYSMIS) (32 thru Highest=SYSMIS) . ***EXECUTE . COMPUTE termdate = (termyr*10000)+(termmo*100)+(termdy) . COMPUTE filing = (filingyr*10000)+(filingmo*100)+(filingdy) . COMPUTE aofileyr = -9 . COMPUTE aofilemo = -9 . COMPUTE aotermyr = -9 . COMPUTE aotermmo = -9 . COMPUTE year = 2000 . COMPUTE circuit2 = 99 . COMPUTE class2 = -9 . COMPUTE disp70 = -9 . COMPUTE disp79 = -9 . COMPUTE proced70 = -9 . COMPUTE proced76 = -9 . COMPUTE style = -9 . COMPUTE maginv = -9 . COMPUTE otherinv = -9 . COMPUTE aoterm = -9 . COMPUTE aofile = -9 . save outfile='C:\\TechnicalAppendix/2000.sav' /keep = year circuit circuit2 district office docket filingyr filingmo filingdy filing jurisd nos source class class2 demand county termyr termmo termdy termdate aofileyr aofilemo aofile disp70 disp79 disp87 proced70 proced76 proced87 noj award judgefor maginv otherinv aotermyr aotermmo aoterm termcact prose tapeyear title section subsect plaint defend.