*** 1991 data *** DATA LIST FILE='C:\\TechnicalAppendix/da8429.p74' / V1 1-2 V2 3-4 V3 5-6 (A) V4 7-7 (A) V5 8-14 (A) V6 15-20 V7 21-22 V8 23-25 V9 26-27 V10 28-29 V11 30-31 V12 32-35 (A) V13 36-39 (A) V14 40-43 V15 44-47 V16 48-51 (A) V17 52-56 V18 57-96 (A) V19 97-102 V20 103-106 V21 107-108 V22 109-112 (A) V23 113-114 V24 115-116 V25 117-120 V26 121-124 V27 125-126 V28 127-128 V29 129-130 V30 131-134 . VARIABLE LABELS V2 "Circuit" V3 "District" V4 "Office" V5 "Docket Number" V6 "Filing Date" V7 "Jurisdiction" V8 "Nature Of Suit" V9 "Origin" V11 "Class Action" V15 "Demand" V17 "County" V18 "Style-Parties Involved" V19 "Termination Date" V20 "Filing Date Used By AO" V21 "Disposition" V23 "Procedural Progress" V24 "Nature Of Judgment" V25 "Amount Received" V27 "Judgment For" V28 "Magistrate Involvement" V29 "Other Involvement" V30 "Term Date Used By AO" . RENAME VARIABLES V2=circuit V3=district V4=office V5=docket V6=filing V7=jurisd V8=nos V9=source V11=termcact V15=demand V17=county V18=style V19=termdate V20=aofile V21=disp87 V23=proced87 V24=noj V25=award V27=judgefor V28=maginv V29=otherinv V30=aoterm . EXECUTE. FILTER OFF. USE ALL. SELECT IF(nos > 499 & nos < 600). EXECUTE . COMPUTE filingyr = -9 . COMPUTE filingmo = -9 . COMPUTE filingdy = -9 . COMPUTE termyr = -9 . COMPUTE termmo = -9 . COMPUTE termdy = -9 . COMPUTE aofileyr = -9 . COMPUTE aofilemo = -9 . COMPUTE aotermyr = -9 . COMPUTE aotermmo = -9 . COMPUTE year = 91 . COMPUTE circuit2 = 99 . COMPUTE class2 = -9 . COMPUTE disp70 = -9 . COMPUTE disp79 = -9 . COMPUTE proced70 = -9 . COMPUTE proced76 = -9 . COMPUTE class = -9 . COMPUTE prose = -9 . COMPUTE tapeyear = -9 . EXECUTE. save outfile='C:\\TechnicalAppendix/1991.sav' /keep = year circuit circuit2 district office docket filingyr filingmo filingdy filing jurisd nos source class class2 demand county style termyr termmo termdy termdate aofileyr aofilemo aofile disp70 disp79 disp87 proced70 proced76 proced87 noj award judgefor maginv otherinv aotermyr aotermmo aoterm termcact prose tapeyear .