*** 1995 data -- ALL (Not just inmate cases). *** DATA LIST FILE='D:\\TechnicalAppendix/da8429.p98' / V1 1-2 V2 3-4 V3 5-6 (A) V4 7-7 (A) V5 8-14 (A) V6 15-20 V7 21-22 V8 23-25 V9 26-27 V10 28-29 V11 30-31 V12 32-35 (A) V13 36-39 (A) V14 40-43 V15 44-47 V16 48-51 (A) V17 52-56 V18 57-96 (A) V19 97-102 V20 103-106 V21 107-108 V22 109-112 (A) V23 113-114 V24 115-116 V25 117-120 V26 121-124 V27 125-126 V28 127-128 V29 129-130 V30 131-134 . VARIABLE LABELS V2 "Circuit" V3 "District" V4 "Office" V5 "Docket Number" V6 "Filing Date" V7 "Jurisdiction" V8 "Nature Of Suit" V9 "Origin" V11 "Class Action" V15 "Demand" V17 "County" V18 "Style-Parties Involved" V19 "Termination Date" V20 "Filing Date Used By AO" V21 "Disposition" V23 "Procedural Progress" V24 "Nature Of Judgment" V25 "Amount Received" V27 "Judgment For" V28 "Magistrate Involvement" V29 "Other Involvement" V30 "Term Date Used By AO" . RENAME VARIABLES V2=circuit V3=district V4=office V5=docket V6=filing V7=jurisd V8=nos V9=source V11=classter V15=demand V17=county V18=style V19=termdate V20=aofile V21=disp87 V23=proced87 V24=noj V25=award V27=judgefor V28=maginv V29=otherinv V30=aoterm . COMPUTE filingyr = -9 . COMPUTE filingmo = -9 . COMPUTE filingdy = -9 . COMPUTE termyr = -9 . COMPUTE termmo = -9 . COMPUTE termdy = -9 . COMPUTE year = 95 . COMPUTE prose = -9 . COMPUTE tapeyear = -9 . ****recode of district to numeric STRING end1(A1) beg1(A3). NUMERIC dist(f8.0). COMPUTE beg1=SUBSTR(district,LEN(RTRIM(district))-1,1). COMPUTE end1=UPCASE(SUBSTR(district,LEN(RTRIM(district)))). COMPUTE nb=INDEX("ACEGJLN-",end1). DO IF nb>0. COMPUTE dist=NUMBER(beg1,F8.0)+nb/10. ELSE. COMPUTE dist=NUMBER(district,F8.0). END IF. RENAME VARIABLES district=diststr dist=distnum . *******recode of office to numeric STRING office1 (A2). COMPUTE office1 = office. RECODE office1 ('A'='10') ('D'='11') (else=copy). COMPUTE office2 = NUMBER (office1, F2.0). *** MAKE YEAR 4 digit RECODE year (95=1995) . ***Changing filing date variable to be an actual date variable COMPUTE day1 = MOD(filing,100) . COMPUTE month1 = MOD(TRUNC(filing/100),100) . COMPUTE year1 = TRUNC(filing/10000) . RECODE termdate(SYSMIS = -8) (else=copy). RECODE filing (SYSMIS = -8) (else=copy). IF(filing = -8)year1 = filingyr. IF(filing = -8)month1 = filingmo. IF(filing = -8)day1 = filingdy. RECODE year1 (0=2000) (1=2001) (7=1907) (14=1914) (18=1918) (40=1940) (47=1947) (59=1959) (61=1961) (62=1962) (63=1963) (64=1964) (65=1965) (66=1966) (67=1967) (68=1968) (69=1969) (70=1970) (71=1971) (72=1972) (73=1973) (74=1974) (75=1975) (76=1976) (77=1977) (78=1978) (79=1979) (80=1980) (81=1981) (82=1982) (83=1983) (84=1984) (85=1985) (86=1986) (87=1987) (88=1988) (89=1989) (90=1990) (91=1991) (92=1992) (93=1993) (94=1994) (95=1995) (96=1996) (97=1997) (98=1998) (99=1999) . If (year1 = 1907) year1 = 1976. If (year1 = 1914) year1 = 1974. If (year1 = 1918) year1 = 1978. If (year1 = 1940) year1 = 1970. If (year1 = 1947) year1 = 1974. If (year1 = 1959) year1 = 1995. If (docket = "7600043" & year1 = 1999) year1 = 1976. RECODE day1 (SYSMIS = 1) (0 = 1) (else = copy). RECODE month1 (SYSMIS = 1) (else = copy). COMPUTE filing2 = DATE.MDY(month1,day1,year1). FORMATS filing2(ADATE11). VARIABLE WIDTH filing2(11). COMPUTE filing3 = DATE.MOYR(month1,year1). FORMATS filing3(MOYR8). VARIABLE WIDTH filing3(8). ***termination date variable to be an actual date variable COMPUTE termdy1 = MOD(termdate,100) . COMPUTE termmo1 = MOD(TRUNC(termdate/100),100) . COMPUTE termyr1 = TRUNC(termdate/10000) . IF (termdate = -8) termmo1 = termmo. IF (termdate = -8) termyr1 = termyr. IF (termdate = -8) termdy1 = termdy. RECODE termyr1 (63=1963) (64=1964) (65=1965) (66=1966) (67=1967) (68=1968) (69=1969) (70=1970) (71=1971) (72=1972) (73=1973) (74=1974) (75=1975) (76=1976) (77=1977) (78=1978) (79=1979) (80=1980) (81=1981) (82=1982) (83=1983) (84=1984) (85=1985) (86=1986) (87=1987) (88=1988) (89=1989) (90=1990) (91=1991) (92=1992) (93=1993) (94=1994) (95=1995) (96=1996) (97=1997) (98=1998) (99=1999) (0=2000) (1=2001). RECODE termmo1 (SYSMIS = 1) (else = copy). RECODE termdy1 (SYSMIS = 1) (0=1) (else = copy). COMPUTE termdt1 = DATE.MDY(termmo1,termdy1,termyr1). FORMATS termdt1(ADATE11). VARIABLE WIDTH termdt1(11). COMPUTE termdt2 = DATE.moyr(termmo1,termyr1). FORMATS termdt2(moyr11). VARIABLE WIDTH termdt2(11). MISSING VALUES termdt1 (-9). *** creation of fiscal termination variable COMPUTE trfiscal = termyr1 . IF termmo1 > 9 trfiscal = termyr1 + 1. VARIABLE LABELS trfiscal "fiscal year of termination (Oct. 1 - Sept. 30) (NEW)" . *** creation of Filing Fiscal Year variable COMPUTE fifiscal = year1. IF month1 > 9 fifiscal = year1 + 1. *** Fixes from the July 1 1998 notice by the Federal Judicial Center ("JFOR.FIX"): If (year = 1995 & diststr = "05" & office = "5" & docket = "9200242" & source = 8 & day1=24 & month1=10 & year1= 1994) judgefor = 1. If (year = 1995 & diststr = "14" & office = "3" & docket = "9201026" & source = 8 & day1=10 & month1=01 & year1= 1995) judgefor = 2. If (year = 1995 & diststr = "46" & office = "5" & docket = "8800114" & source = 8 & day1=20 & month1=08 & year1= 1993) judgefor = 2. If (year = 1995 & diststr = "55" & office = "2" & docket = "8700400" & source = 8 & day1=19 & month1=12 & year1= 1994) judgefor = 2. If (year = 1995 & diststr = "71" & office = "5" & docket = "9120071" & source = 8 & day1=21 & month1=06 & year1= 1995) judgefor = 2. VARIABLE LABELS termdate "termination date in numeric format (OLD)" termdy "termination day (OLD)" termmo "termination month (OLD)" termyr "termination year (OLD)" termdt1 "termination date in date format (NEW)" termdt2 "termination date in mmm yyyy format (NEW)" termdy1 "termination day (NEW)" termmo1 "termination month (NEW)" termyr1 "termination year (NEW)" trfiscal "fiscal year of termination (Oct. 1 - Sept. 30) (NEW)" filing3 "filing date in mmm yyyy format (NEW)" . COMPUTE state = 0 . RECODE distnum (00 = 20) (01 = 22) (02 = 30) (03 = 40) (3.1=10) (3.2=10)(3.3 = 11) (3.4 = 11) (3.5 = 11) (3.6 = 19) (3.7 = 19) (04 = 52) (05=7) (6=33) (7=33) (8=33) (9=33)(7.8 = 2) (10 = 46) (11 = 8) (12 = 31) (13 = 39)(14 = 39) (15 = 39) (16 = 21) (17 = 34) (18 = 34) (19=34) (20 = 41)(22 = 47) (23 = 47) (24 = 49) (25 = 49) (26 = 1) (27 = 1) (28 = 1) (29 = 10) (36 = 19) (37 = 25) (38 = 25)(39 = 44) (40 = 44) (41 = 44) (42 = 44) (43 = 18) (44 = 18) (45 = 23) (46 = 23) (47 = 36) (48 = 36) (49 = 43) (50 = 43)(51 = 43) (52 = 14) (53 = 14) (54 = 14) (55 = 15) (56 = 15) (57 = 50) (58 = 50) (60 = 4) (61 = 4) (62 = 16)(63 = 16) (64=24) (65 = 26) (66 = 26) (67=28) (68 = 35) (69 = 42) (70=3) (71 = 5) (72 = 5) (73 = 5) (74 = 5)(75=12) (76=13) (77=27) (78=29) (79 = 38) (80 = 48) (81 = 48) (82=6) (83=17) (84=32)(85 = 37) (86 = 37) (87 = 37) (88=45) (89 = 51) (90 = 9)(91 = 52) (92 = 52) (93 = 52) (94=52) INTO state . VARIABLE LABELS State "State (NEW)". VALUE LABELS state 1 "Alabama (1)" 2 "Alaska (2)" 3 "Arizona (3)" 4 "Arkansas (4)" 5 "California (5)" 6 "Colorado (6)" 7 "Connecticut (7)" 8 "Delaware (8)" 9 "District of Columbia (9)" 10 "Florida (10)" 11 "Georgia (11)" 12 "Hawaii (12)" 13 "Idaho (13)" 14 "Illinois (14)" 15 "Indiana (15)" 16 "Iowa (16)" 17 "Kansas (17)" 18 "Kentucky (18)" 19 "Louisiana (19)" 20 "Maine (20)" 21 "Maryland (21)" 22 "Massachusetts (22)" 23 "Michigan (23)" 24 "Minnesota (24)" 25 "Mississippi (25)" 26 "Missouri (26)" 27 "Montana (27)" 28 "Nebraska (28)" 29 "Nevada (29)" 30 "New Hampshire (30)" 31 "New Jersey (31)" 32 "New Mexico (32)" 33 "New York (33)" 34 "North Carolina (34)" 35 "North Dakota (35)" 36 "Ohio (36)" 37 "Oklahoma (37)" 38 "Oregon (38)" 39 "Pennsylvania (39)" 40 "Rhode Island (40)" 41 "South Carolina (41)" 42 "South Dakota (42)" 43 "Tennessee (43)" 44 "Texas (44)" 45 "Utah (45)" 46 "Vermont (46)" 47 "Virginia (47)" 48 "Washington (48)" 49 "West Virginia (49)" 50 "Wisconsin (50)" 51 "Wyoming (51)" 52 "Territories (PR, VI, CZ, Guam, NMI) (52)" . *** Region COMPUTE region = 0 . RECODE state ( 7=1) (20 = 1) (22=1) (30 = 1) (40 = 1) (46 = 1) (8 = 2) (21 = 2) (31 = 2) (33 = 2) (39 = 2) (1 = 3) (4 = 3) (10 = 3) (11 = 3) (19 = 3) (25 = 3) (34 = 3) (41 = 3) (43 = 3) (44 = 3) (47 = 3) (14 = 4) (15 = 4) (16 = 4) (23 = 4) (24 = 4) (26 = 4) (36 = 4) (50 = 4) (17 = 5) (28 = 5) (35 = 5) (42 = 5) (2 = 6) (3 = 6) (5 = 6) (12 = 6) (29 = 6) (32 = 6) (38 = 6) (48 = 6) (9 = 7) (18 = 7) (37 = 7) (49 = 7) (6 = 8) (13 = 8) (27 = 8) (45 = 8) (51 = 8) (52 = 9) INTO region . VARIABLE LABELS region "region (NEW)". VALUE LABELS region 1 "New England (1)" 2 "Mid-Atlantic (2)" 3 "South (former confederacy) (3)" 4 "Midwest (4)" 5 "Plains (5)" 6 "Pacific/Southwest (6)" 7 "South (nonconfederacy) (7)" 8 "West (8)" 9 "Territories (PR, VI, CZ, Guam, NMI) (9)" . *** "Judgment for" summary COMPUTE jforsum = 0 . Recode judgefor (-9 = -9) (1 = 1) (3 = 1) (2 = 2) (4=4) (-8 = 4) into jforsum. IF (disp87 = 18) jforsum = 4. *** The last line alters values for "statistical closing" cases, eliminating **** as probably erroneous plaintiffs or defendants victories. VARIABLE LABELS jforsum "Judgment-for summary (1979- )(NEW)" . VALUE LABELS jforsum -9 "Data not collected this year (1970-78) (-9)" 1 "Plaintiff or both (1)" 2 "Defendant (2)" 4 "Unknown (or not applicable) (4)" . *** outcome summary COMPUTE outctot = -1 . RECODE disp87 (-8, 0, 1, 10, 11, 18, 21 = 0) into outctot. /* 0 = non-judgment disposition . IF ((disp87 = 2) | (disp87 = 3) | /* dismissed for want of prosecution (2); lack of jurisdiction (3). (disp87 = 14 & jforsum ~= 1 ) | /* dismissed for "other" & not plaintiff victory (14) . (disp87 = 4 & jforsum = 2) | /* default and defense victory . (disp87 = 6 & jforsum = 2) | /* pretrial motion and defense victory . ((disp87 = 19 | disp87 = 20) & jforsum = 2) | /* appeal from magistrate and defense victory . (disp87 = 17 & jforsum ~= 1) ) /* "judgment on other" and defense OR UNKNOWN victory . outctot = 1 . /* 1 = pretrial dismissal (defense victory) . IF ((disp87 = 4 & jforsum = 1) | /* default and plaintiff victory . (disp87 = 6 & jforsum = 1) | /* pretrial motion and plaintiff victory . ((disp87 = 19 | disp87 = 20) & jforsum = 1) | /* appeal from magistrate and plaintiff victory . ((disp87 = 17 | disp87 = 14) & jforsum = 1)) /* "judgment on other" or "dismissed: other" and plaintiff victory . outctot = 2 . /* 2 = pretrial plaintiffs victory . IF (disp87 = 15 & jforsum = 1) outctot = 3 . /* 3 = non-de novo arbitration appeal, plaintiffs victory . IF (disp87 = 15 & jforsum = 2) outctot = 4 . /* 4 = arbitration appeal, defense victory . IF ((disp87 = 4 & (jforsum = 4 | jforsum = -8)) | /* default and unknown victor . (disp87 = 6 & (jforsum = 4 | jforsum = -8)) | /* pretrial motion and unknown victor . ((disp87 = 19 | disp87 = 20) & (jforsum = 4 | jforsum = -8))) /* appeal from magistrate and unknown victor . outctot = 5. /* 5 = Pretrial resolution, unknown victor . IF (disp87 = 12) outctot = 6 . /* 6 = voluntary dismissal . IF (disp87 = 5 | disp87 = 13) /* judgment on consent or dismissed: settled. outctot = 7. /* 7 = Settled. IF (jforsum = 2 & disp87 = 7) outctot = 8. /* jury verdict for defendant . IF (jforsum = 1 & disp87 = 7) outctot = 9. /* jury verdict for plaintiff. IF ((jforsum = 4 | jforsum = -8) & disp87 = 7) outctot = 10. /* jury verdict for unknown party. IF (jforsum = 1 & disp87 = 8) outctot = 11. /* directed verdict for plaintiff. IF ((jforsum = 4 | jforsum = -8) & disp87 = 8) outctot = 12. /* directed verdict for unknown party. IF (jforsum = 2 & disp87 = 8) outctot = 13. /* directed verdict for defendant . IF ((jforsum = 2 & disp87 = 9) | /* bench verdict for defendant . (disp87 = 16 & jforsum = 2)) outctot = 14. /* de novo trial after arbitrarion, defense victory. IF ((jforsum = 1 & disp87 = 9) | /* bench verdict for plaintiff. (disp87 = 16 & jforsum = 1)) outctot = 15. /* de novo trial after arbitration, plaintiff victory . IF (((jforsum = 4 | jforsum = -8) & disp87 = 9) | /* bench verdict for unknown party. ((jforsum = 4 | jforsum = -8) & disp87 = 16)) outctot = 16. /* de novo trial after arbitrarion, unknown victory. VARIABLE LABELS outctot "Outcome summary (1979-) (NEW)" . VALUE LABELS outctot -1 "Missing (-1)" -8 "Data not reliably collected this year (1970-78) (-8)" 0 "non-judgment disposition (0)" 1 "pretrial dismissal (defense victory) (1)" 2 "pretrial plaintiffs victory (2)" 3 "arbitration appeal, plaintiffs victory (3)" 4 "arbitration appeal, defense victory (4)" 5 "Pretrial resolution, unknown victor (5)" 6 "voluntary dismissal (6)" 7 "Settled (7)" 8 "jury verdict for defendant (8)" 9 "jury verdict for plaintiff (9)" 10 "jury verdict for unknown party (10)" 11 "directed verdict for plaintiff (11)" 12 "directed verdict for unknown party (12)" 13 "directed verdict for defendant (13)" 14 "bench verdict for defendant (14)" 15 "bench verdict for plaintiff (15)" 16 "bench verdict for unknown party (16)" 17 "still pending (17)" . *** OUTCOME SUMMARY RECODE outctot (-8=0) (-1=0) (0=0) (17=0) (1=1) (6=2) (7=3) (8 thru 16=4) (ELSE=5) INTO outsum . VARIABLE LABELS outsum 'Outcome summary 2'. RECODE outctot (8=1) (13=1) (14=1) (10=-9) (12=-9) (16=-9) (9=2) (11=2) (15=2) INTO trialout . VARIABLE LABELS trialout 'Trial outcomes'. VALUE LABELS outsum 0 "Nonjudgment disposition (0)" 1 "Pretrial dismissal (1)" 2 "Voluntary dismissal (2)" 3 "Settled (3)" 4 "Trial (4)" 5 "Other (5)" . VALUE LABELS trialout 1 "Defendant victory (1)" 2 "Plaintiff victory (2)" -9 "Unknown victory (-9)". *** Trial summary. Compute trialsum = 0. IF (outctot < 14 & outctot > 7) trialsum = 1. IF (outctot > 13 & outctot < 17) trialsum = 2. VARIABLE LABELS trialsum "Nature of trial summary (NEW)". VALUE LABELS trialsum 0 "No trial (0)" 1 "Jury trial (1)" 2 "Bench trial (2)" . COMPUTE source2 = 1. IF (source = -8 | source = 1 | source = 2 | source = 7) source2 = 0. VARIABLE LABELS source2 "Origin summary (NEW)" . VALUE LABELS source2 0 "initial appearance (or unknown)" 1 "subsequent appearance" . *** Value labels for each type of action ("nature of suit") VALUE LABELS nos 100 "Indemnity on admiralty cases (100)" 110 "Contract:Insurance (110)" 120 "Contract:Marine (120)" 130 "Contract:Miller Act (130)" 140 "Contract:Negotiable Instrument (140)" 150 "Contract:Recovery, Enforcement (150)" 151 "Contract:Medicare Recovery (151)" 152 "Recovery on defaulted student loans (152)" 153 "Recovery of overpayment on veterans benefits (153)" 160 "Contract:Stockholder Suits (160)" 190 "Other Contract (190)" 191 "Employee relations (191)" 192 "State Fair Trade Act (192)" 193 "Hospital Care Act (193)" 195 "Contract Product Liability (195)" 210 "Land Condemnation (210)" 220 "Foreclosure (220)" 230 "Rent, Lease, and Ejectment (230)" 240 "Torts to Land (240)" 245 "Real Property Product Liability (245)" 290 "All Other Real Property (290)" 310 "Airplane Personal Injury (310)" 315 "Airplane Product Liability (315)" 320 "Assault, Libel and Slander (320)" 330 "Federal Employers Liability (330)" 340 "Marine Personal Injury (340)" 345 "Marine Product Liability (345)" 350 "Motor Vehicle (350)" 355 "Motor Vehicle Product Liability (355)" 360 "Other Personal Injury (360)" 361 "Workman's Compensation-Industrial Accident (361)" 362 "Medical Malpractice (362)" 365 "Personal Injury Product Liability (365)" 368 "Asbestos personal injury-product liabili (368)" 370 "Other fraud (370)" 371 "Truth in Lending (371)" 380 "Other Personal Property Damage (380)" 385 "Property Damage-Product Liability (385)" 400 "State Reapportionment (400)" 410 "Antitrust (410)" 420 "Bankruptcy Trustee (420)" 421 "Bankruptcy Transfer (421)" 422 "Bankruptcy Appeals Rule 801 (422)" 423 "Withdrawal (423)" 430 "Banks and Banking (430)" 440 "Civil Rights:Other (440)" 441 "Civil Rights:Voting (441)" 442 "Civil Rights:Jobs (442)" 443 "Civil Rights:Accommodations (443)" 444 "Civil Rights:Welfare (444)" 450 "Commerce:ICC Rates, etc. (450)" 460 "Deportation (460)" 461 "Deportation review (461)" 470 "R.I.C.O.(Racketeer Influenced and Corrup (470)" 510 "Vacate Sentence (510)" 520 "Parole Board Review (520)" 530 "Habeas Corpus (530)" 535 "Habeas Corpus-Death Penalty (535)" 540 "Mandamus and Other: Prisoner (540)" 550 "Civil Rights:Prisoner (550)" 555 "Prison Conditions (555)" 610 "Agriculture (610)" 620 "Food and Drug (620)" 625 "Drug Forfeiture (625)" 630 "Liquor (630)" 640 "Railroad and Trucks (640)" 650 "Air Line Regulations (650)" 660 "Occupational Safety/Health (660)" 690 "Miscellaneous Forfeiture and Penalty (690)" 710 "Fair Labor Standards Act (710)" 720 "Labor Management Relations (720)" 730 "Labor Managemt Reporting and Disclosur (730)" 740 "Railway Labor Act (740)" 750 "Welfare Pension Plan disclosure (750)" 790 "Other Labor Litigation (790)" 791 "ERISA (791)" 810 "Selective Service (810)" 820 "Copyright (820)" 830 "Patent (830)" 840 "Trademark (840)" 850 "Securities, Commodities Exchange (850)" 860 "Social Security-General (860)" 861 "Soc Sec-HIA (861)" 862 "Soc Sec-Black Lung (862)" 863 "Soc Sec-DIWC (863)" 864 "Soc Sec-SSID (864)" 865 "Soc Sec-RSI (865)" 870 "Taxes (870)" 871 "Internal Revenue Service-Third Party (871)" 875 "Customer Tax Challenge (875)" 880 "Review or Enforcement (880)" 890 "Other Statutory Actions (890)" 891 "Agricultural Acts (891)" 892 "Economic Stabilization Act (892)" 893 "All Environmental Matters (893)" 894 "Energy Allocation Act (894)" 895 "Freedom of Information Act of 1974 (895)" 900 "Appeal of Fee Determination (900)" 910 "Domestic relations (910)" 920 "Insanity (920)" 930 "Probate (930)" 940 "Substitute trustee (940)" 950 "Constitutionality of State Statutes (950)" 970 "NARA (970)" 990 "Miscellaneous Local Matters (990)" 992 "Local appeal (992)" . *** CREATE SUMMARY VARIABLE FOR NATURE OF SUIT NUMERIC nossum (F3.0). COMPUTE nossum = 0. RECODE nos (100 = 1) (110=1) (120=1) (130=1) (140=1) (150=1) (151=1) (190 thru 193 =1) (160=2) (240=2) (310=2) (320=2) (330 = 2) (340 = 2) (350 = 2) (360 = 2) (361 = 2) (362 = 2) (370 = 2) (371 = 2) (380 = 2) (470 = 2) (195 = 3) (245 = 3) (315 = 3) (345 = 3) (355 = 3) (365 = 3) (368 = 3) (385 = 3) (440 = 4) (441 = 4) (443 = 4) (444 = 4) (442 = 5) (550 = 6) (555 = 6) (710 = 7) (720 = 7) (730 = 7) (740 = 7) (750 = 7) (790 = 7) (791 = 7) (410 = 8) (430 = 8) (450 = 8) (810 = 8) (820 = 8) (830 = 8) (840 = 8) (850 = 8) (860 = 8) (861 = 8) (862 = 8) (863 = 8) (864 = 8) (865 = 8) (875 = 8) (880 = 8) (890 = 8) (891 = 8) (892 = 8) (893 = 8) (894 = 8) (895 = 8) (900 = 8) (152 = 9) (153 = 9) (210 = 9) (220 = 9) (610 = 9) (620 = 9) (625 = 9) (630 = 9) (640 = 9) (650 = 9) (660 = 9) (690 = 9) (870 = 9) (871 = 9) (230 = 10) (290 = 10) (400 = 10) (910 = 10) (920 = 10) (930 = 10) (940 = 10) (950 = 10) (970 = 10) (990 = 10) (992 = 10) (460 = 11) (461 = 11) (510 =11) (520 = 11) (530 = 11) (535 = 11) (540 = 11) (420 = 12) (421 = 12) (422 = 12) (423 = 12) INTO nossum . VARIABLE LABELS nossum 'Grouped nature of suit'. VALUE LABLES nossum 0 "Check (0)" 1 "Contract (1)" 2 "Tort (non product) (2)" 3 "Product liability (3)" 4 "Civil rights (4)" 5 "Civil rights: employment (5)" 6 "Inmate civil rights (6)" 7 "Labor (7)" 8 "Statutory actions (8)" 9 "U.S. Plaintiff (9)" 10 "Other (10)" 11 "Habeas, quasi-criminal (11)" 12 "Bankruptcy (12)" . *** PACER AVAILABILITY *** Districts not in PACER (as of early spring, 2003) are: *** S.D.N.Y. (8), D. Alaska (7.8), D. Ida. (76), D. Mont. (77), *** D.N.M. (84), E.D. Ok. (86), D.N.M.I. (94), D. V.I. (91) RECODE distnum (8, 7.8, 76, 77, 84, 86, 91, 94 = 0) (ELSE = 1) INTO pacer. VARIABLE LABEL pacer "Availability in PACER (as of 2003)" VALUE LABELS pacer 0 "Not available (0)" 1 "Available (1)" . *** SOME CORRECTED FORMATS FORMATS year (F4.1) termyr1 trfiscal fifiscal year1 (F4.0) distnum (F2.1) termdy1 termmo1 source2 state office2 day1 month1 outctot (F2.0) region jforsum outsum trialout trialsum (F1.0) . VARIABLE LABELS circuit "Circuit: pre 5th Circuit Split" classter "Class action status on termination NEW" day1 "Filing Date Day NEW" disp87 "Disposition 1987- NEW" distnum "District - numeric recoding NEW" diststr "District - original string variable" docket "docket - original string variable" fifiscal "Fiscal year of filing (Oct 1 to Sept 30) NEW" filing "Filing Date - Numeric format" filing2 "Filing Date in Date format NEW" filing3 "filing date in mmm yyyy format (NEW)" filingdy "Filing Date Day OLD" filingmo "Filing Date Month OLD" filingyr "Filing Date Year - original" jforsum "Judgment-for summary (1979- )(NEW)" month1 "Filing Date Month NEW" office "Office - original string variable" office2 "Office - numeric recoding NEW" outctot "Outcome summary (1979-) (NEW)" proced87 "Procedural Progress 1987- NEW" prose "Pro Se" region "region (NEW)" source2 "Origin summary (NEW)" State "State (NEW)" style "Style - Parties Involved - original format" termdate "termination date in numeric format (OLD)" termdt1 "termination date in date format (NEW)" termdt2 "termination date in mmm yyyy format (NEW)" termdy "termination day (OLD)" termdy1 "termination day (NEW)" termmo "termination month (OLD)" termmo1 "termination month (NEW)" termyr "termination year (OLD)" termyr1 "termination year (NEW)" trfiscal "fiscal year of termination (Oct 1 - Sept 30) (NEW)" trialout 'Trial outcomes' trialsum "Nature of trial summary (NEW)" year "Year of tape" year1 "Filing Date Year NEW" . * Variable Labels section "Section" sectsum 'section summary (NEW)' subsect "Subsection" title "Title" . *** VALUE LABELS VALUE LABELS aofile 00 "Missing or out-of-range (00)" -9 "Not collected (-9)" / aoterm 00 "Missing or out-of-range (00)" 9912 "Data not collected (9912)" / award -8 "Out-of-range (-8)" 0 "Missing (0)" 9999 "Amount > $9,999,000" / circuit 0 "DC Circuit (0)" 1 "1st Circuit" 2 "2nd Circuit" 3 "3rd Circuit" 4 "4th Circuit" 5 "5th Circuit" 6 "6th Circuit" 7 "7th Circuit" 8 "8th Circuit" 9 "9th Circuit" 10 "10th Circuit" 11 "11th Circuit" / classter -9 "Data not collected this tapeyear (1970-78) (-9)" -8 "No allegation of class action made, 1998- (-8)" 0 "No Allegation of Class Action Made (0)" 1 "Allegation of Class Action (1)" 2 "Allegation dismissed (2)" 3 "Allegation affirmed (3)" / county -9 "Not collected" / demand 0 "Missing (blank)" 9999 "Amounts > $9,999,000" / distnum 00 "D Maine (00)" 01 "D Mass (01)" 02 "D NH (02)" 03 "D RI (03)" 04 "D PR (04)" 05 "D Conn (05)" 06 "NDNY (06)" 07 "ED NY (07)" 08 "SD NY (08)" 09 "WD NY (09)" 10 "D Vt (10)" 11 "D Del (11)" 12 "D NJ (12)" 13 "ED Penn (13)" 14 "MD Penn (14)" 15 "WD Penn (15)" 16 "D Md (16)" 17 "ED NC (17)" 18 "MD NC (18)" 19 "WD NC(19)" 20 "D SC (20)" 22 "ED Va (22)" 23 "WD Va(23)" 24 "ND WVa (24)" 25 "SD WVa (25)" 26 "ND Ala (26)" 27 "MD Ala (27)" 28 "SD Ala (28)" 29 "ND Fla (29)" 36 "WD La (36)" 37 "ND Miss (37)" 38 "SD Miss (38)" 39 "ND Tex (39)" 3.1 "MD Fla (3A/3.1)" 3.2 "SD Fla (3C/3.2)" 3.3 "ND Ga (3E/3.3)" 3.4 "MD Ga (3G/3.4)" 3.5 "SD Ga (3J/3.5)" 3.6 "ED La (3L/3.6)" 3.7 "MD La (3N/3.7)" 40 "ED Tex (40)" 41 "SD Tex (41)" 42 "WD Tex (42)" 43 "ED Ky (43)" 44 "WD Ky (44)" 45 "ED Mich (45)" 46 "WD Mich (46)" 47 "ND Ohio (47)" 48 "SD Ohio (48)" 49 "ED Tenn (49)" 50 "MD Tenn (50)" 51 "WD Tenn (51)" 52 "ND Ill (52)" 53 "CD Ill (53)" 54 "SD Ill (54)" 55 "ND Ind (55)" 56 "SD Ind (56)" 57 "ED Wisc (57)" 58 "WD Wisc (58)" 60 "ED Ark (60)" 61 "WD Ark (61)" 62 "ND Iowa (62)" 63 "SD Iowa (63)" 64 "D Minn (64)" 65 "ED Mo (65)" 66 "WD Mo (66)" 67 "D Neb (67)" 68 "D ND (68)" 69 "D SD (69)" 7.8 "D Ala (7-/7.8)" 70 "D Ariz (70)" 71 "ND Cal (71)" 72 "ED Cal (72)" 73 "CD Cal (73)" 74 "SD Cal (74)" 75 "D Haw (75)" 76 "D Ida (76)" 77 "D Mont (77)" 78 "D Nev (78)" 79 "D Ore (79)" 80 "ED Wash (80)" 81 "WD Wash (81)" 82 "D Col (82)" 83 "D Kan (83)" 84 "D NM (84)" 85 "ND Okla (85)" 86 "ED Okla (86)" 87 "WD Okla (87)" 88 "D Utah (88)" 89 "D Wyo (89)" 90 "D DC (90)" 91 "D VI (91)" 93 "D Guam (93)" 92 "D CZ (92)" 94 "D NMI (94)" / disp87 -9 "Data not collected (-9)" -8 "Pending (-8)" 0 "Transferred to another district (0)" 1 "Remanded to state court (1)" 2 "Dismissed for want of prosecution (2)" 3 "Dismissed for lack of jurisdiction (3)" 4 "Judgment on default (4)" 5 "Judgment on consent (5)" 6 "Judgment on motion before trial (6)" 7 "Judgment on jury verdict (7)" 8 "Judgment on directed verdict (8)" 9 "Judgment on court trial (9)" 10 "Multi-District Litigation transfer (10)" 11 "Remanded to US agency (11)" 12 "Dismissed: voluntarily (12)" 13 "Dismissed: settled (13)" 14 "Dismissed: other (14)" 15 "Judgment on award of arbitrator (15)" 16 "judgement on trial de novo after arbtrtn (16)" 17 "Judgment on other (17)" 18 "Statistical closing (18)" 19 "[Maj] Appeal: decision affirmed (19)" 20 "[Maj] Appeal: decision reversed (20)" 21 "Stayed pending bankruptcy (21)" / filing 00 "Missing or out-of-range" / filingdy -9 "Missing or out-of-range" / filingmo -9 "Missing or out-of-range" / filingyr -9 "Missing or out-of-range" / jforsum -9 "Data not collected this year (1970-78) (-9)" 1 "Plaintiff or both (1)" 2 "Defendant (2)" 4 "Unknown (or not applicable) (4)" / judgefor -9 "Data not collected (-9)" -8 "Missing or Out-of-Range (-8)" 1 "Plaintiff (1)" 2 "Defendant (2)" 3 "Both (3)" 4 "Unknown (or not applicable) (4)" / jurisd -8 "Missing or Out-of-range" 1 "US Plaintiff (1)" 2 "US Defendant (2)" 3 "Federal Question (3)" 4 "Diversity of Citizenship (4)" 5 "Local Question (5)" / maginv -9 "Data not Collected (-9)" -8 "Missing or Out-of-Range (-8)" 1 "Consent of Parties to Mag Jdg w/Appeal to Ct (1)" 2 "Consent of Parties to Mag Jdg w/Appeal to Ct (2)" 3 "Special Masters Reference (3)" 4 "All Pretrial Matters, including Dispositive Motions (4)" 5 "Report and Recommendations on Dispositive Motions (5)" 6 "All Pretrial Matters, except Dispositive Motions (6)" 7 "Full Pretrial/Settlement Conferences (7)" 8 "Non-Dispositive Motions (8)" 9 "No Involvement of Magistrate (9)" / noj -9 "Data not collected (-9)" -8 "Missing or Out-of-Range (-8)" 0 "No Monetary Award (0)" 1 "Monetary Award Only (1)" 2 "Monetary Award and Other (2)" 3 "Injunction (3)" 4 "Forfeiture, Foreclosure, Condemnation, etc (4)" 5 "Costs Only (5)" 6 "Costs and Attorney Fees (6)" / nos 100 "Indemnity on admiralty cases (100)" 110 "Contract:Insurance (110)" 120 "Contract:Marine (120)" 130 "Contract:Miller Act (130)" 140 "Contract:Negotiable Instrument (140)" 150 "Contract:Recovery, Enforcement (150)" 151 "Contract:Medicare Recovery (151)" 152 "Recovery on defaulted student loans (152)" 153 "Recovery of overpayment on veterans benefits (153)" 160 "Contract:Stockholder Suits (160)" 190 "Other Contract (190)" 191 "Employee relations (191)" 192 "State Fair Trade Act (192)" 193 "Hospital Care Act (193)" 195 "Contract Product Liability (195)" 210 "Land Condemnation (210)" 220 "Foreclosure (220)" 230 "Rent, Lease, and Ejectment (230)" 240 "Torts to Land (240)" 245 "Real Property Product Liability (245)" 290 "All Other Real Property (290)" 310 "Airplane Personal Injury (310)" 315 "Airplane Product Liability (315)" 320 "Assault, Libel and Slander (320)" 330 "Federal Employers Liability (330)" 340 "Marine Personal Injury (340)" 345 "Marine Product Liability (345)" 350 "Motor Vehicle (350)" 355 "Motor Vehicle Product Liability (355)" 360 "Other Personal Injury (360)" 361 "Workman's Compensation-Industrial Accident (361)" 362 "Medical Malpractice (362)" 365 "Personal Injury Product Liability (365)" 368 "Asbestos personal injury-product liabili (368)" 370 "Other fraud (370)" 371 "Truth in Lending (371)" 380 "Other Personal Property Damage (380)" 385 "Property Damage-Product Liability (385)" 400 "State Reapportionment (400)" 410 "Antitrust (410)" 420 "Bankruptcy Trustee (420)" 421 "Bankruptcy Transfer (421)" 422 "Bankruptcy Appeals Rule 801 (422)" 423 "Withdrawal (423)" 430 "Banks and Banking (430)" 440 "Civil Rights:Other (440)" 441 "Civil Rights:Voting (441)" 442 "Civil Rights:Jobs (442)" 443 "Civil Rights:Accommodations (443)" 444 "Civil Rights:Welfare (444)" 450 "Commerce:ICC Rates, etc. (450)" 460 "Deportation (460)" 461 "Deportation review (461)" 470 "R.I.C.O.(Racketeer Influenced and Corrup (470)" 510 "Vacate Sentence (510)" 520 "Parole Board Review (520)" 530 "Habeas Corpus (530)" 535 "Habeas Corpus-Death Penalty (535)" 540 "Mandamus and Other: Prisoner (540)" 550 "Civil Rights:Prisoner (550)" 555 "Prison Conditions (555)" 610 "Agriculture (610)" 620 "Food and Drug (620)" 625 "Drug Forfeiture (625)" 630 "Liquor (630)" 640 "Railroad and Trucks (640)" 650 "Air Line Regulations (650)" 660 "Occupational Safety/Health (660)" 690 "Miscellaneous Forfeiture and Penalty (690)" 710 "Fair Labor Standards Act (710)" 720 "Labor Management Relations (720)" 730 "Labor Managemt Reporting and Disclosur (730)" 740 "Railway Labor Act (740)" 750 "Welfare Pension Plan disclosure (750)" 790 "Other Labor Litigation (790)" 791 "ERISA (791)" 810 "Selective Service (810)" 820 "Copyright (820)" 830 "Patent (830)" 840 "Trademark (840)" 850 "Securities, Commodities Exchange (850)" 860 "Social Security-General (860)" 861 "Soc Sec-HIA (861)" 862 "Soc Sec-Black Lung (862)" 863 "Soc Sec-DIWC (863)" 864 "Soc Sec-SSID (864)" 865 "Soc Sec-RSI (865)" 870 "Taxes (870)" 871 "Internal Revenue Service-Third Party (871)" 875 "Customer Tax Challenge (875)" 880 "Review or Enforcement (880)" 890 "Other Statutory Actions (890)" 891 "Agricultural Acts (891)" 892 "Economic Stabilization Act (892)" 893 "All Environmental Matters (893)" 894 "Energy Allocation Act (894)" 895 "Freedom of Information Act of 1974 (895)" 900 "Appeal of Fee Determination (900)" 910 "Domestic relations (910)" 920 "Insanity (920)" 930 "Probate (930)" 940 "Substitute trustee (940)" 950 "Constitutionality of State Statutes (950)" 970 "NARA (970)" 990 "Miscellaneous Local Matters (990)" 992 "Local appeal (992)" / nossum 0 "Check (0)" 1 "Contract (1)" 2 "Tort (non product) (2)" 3 "Product liability (3)" 4 "Civil rights (4)" 5 "Civil rights: employment (5)" 6 "Inmate civil rights (6)" 7 "Labor (7)" 8 "Statutory actions (8)" 9 "U.S. Plaintiff (9)" 10 "Other (10)" 11 "Habeas, quasi-criminal (11)" 12 "Bankruptcy (12)" / Office2 0 "Missing data (0)" 10 "A" 11 "D" / otherinv -9 "Data not Collected (-9)" -8 "Missing or Out-of-Range (-8)" 1 "Arbitrator (1)" 2 "Land Commissioner (2)" 3 "Special Master (Other than Magistrate) (3)" 4 "Other (4)" 5 "No Involvement other than Judge or Magistrate (5)" / outctot -1 "Missing (-1)" -8 "Data not reliably collected this year (1970-78) (-8)" 0 "non-judgment disposition (0)" 1 "pretrial dismissal (defense victory) (1)" 2 "pretrial plaintiffs victory (2)" 3 "arbitration appeal, plaintiffs victory (3)" 4 "arbitration appeal, defense victory (4)" 5 "Pretrial resolution, unknown victor (5)" 6 "voluntary dismissal (6)" 7 "Settled (7)" 8 "jury verdict for defendant (8)" 9 "jury verdict for plaintiff (9)" 10 "jury verdict for unknown party (10)" 11 "directed verdict for plaintiff (11)" 12 "directed verdict for unknown party (12)" 13 "directed verdict for defendant (13)" 14 "bench verdict for defendant (14)" 15 "bench verdict for plaintiff (15)" 16 "bench verdict for unknown party (16)" 17 "still pending (17)" / outsum 0 "Nonjudgment disposition (0)" 1 "Pretrial dismissal (1)" 2 "Voluntary dismissal (2)" 3 "Settled (3)" 4 "Trial (4)" 5 "Other (5)" / proced87 -8 "Pending (-8)" -9 "Missing or Out-of-Range (-9)" 1 "Before Issue Joined, No Court Action (1)" 2 "Bef Iss Joind, Order Entered (2)" 3 "After Issue Joined, No Court Action (3)" 4 "Aft Iss Joind, Jdgmnt on Motion (4)" 5 "Aft Iss Joind, Pretrial Cnf Held (5)" 6 "Aft Iss Joind, During Court Trial (6)" 7 "Aftr Iss Joind, During Jury Trial (7)" 8 "Aft Iss Joind, After Court Trial (8)" 9 "Aftr Iss Joind, After Jury Trial (9)" 10 "Aft Iss Joind, Other (10)" 11 "Bef Iss Joind, Hearing Held (11)" 12 "Bef Iss Joind, Motion Decided (12)" 13 "Trial De Novo Demand After Arbtrtn (13)" / region 1 "New England (1)" 2 "Mid-Atlantic (2)" 3 "South (former confederacy) (3)" 4 "Midwest (4)" 5 "Plains (5)" 6 "Pacific/Southwest (6)" 7 "South (nonconfederacy) (7)" 8 "West (8)" 9 "Territories (PR, VI, CZ, Guam, NMI) (9)" / Source -8 "Missing or Out-of-Range (-8)" 1 "Original Proceeding (1)" 2 "Removed from State Court (2)" 3 "Remanded from Appellate Court (3)" 4 "Reinstated or Reopened (4)" 5 "Transferred from Another District (5)" 6 "Multi-District Litigation Transfer (6)" 7 "Appeal of Magistrate Judgment (7)" 8 "2nd Reopening (8)" 9 "3rd Reopening (9)" 10 "4th Reopening (10)" 11 "5th Reopening (11)" 12 "6th Reopening (12)" / source2 0 "initial appearance (or unknown)" 1 "subsequent appearance" / state 1 "Alabama (1)" 2 "Alaska (2)" 3 "Arizona (3)" 4 "Arkansas (4)" 5 "California (5)" 6 "Colorado (6)" 7 "Connecticut (7)" 8 "Delaware (8)" 9 "District of Columbia (9)" 10 "Florida (10)" 11 "Georgia (11)" 12 "Hawaii (12)" 13 "Idaho (13)" 14 "Illinois (14)" 15 "Indiana (15)" 16 "Iowa (16)" 17 "Kansas (17)" 18 "Kentucky (18)" 19 "Louisiana (19)" 20 "Maine (20)" 21 "Maryland (21)" 22 "Massachusetts (22)" 23 "Michigan (23)" 24 "Minnesota (24)" 25 "Mississippi (25)" 26 "Missouri (26)" 27 "Montana (27)" 28 "Nebraska (28)" 29 "Nevada (29)" 30 "New Hampshire (30)" 31 "New Jersey (31)" 32 "New Mexico (32)" 33 "New York (33)" 34 "North Carolina (34)" 35 "North Dakota (35)" 36 "Ohio (36)" 37 "Oklahoma (37)" 38 "Oregon (38)" 39 "Pennsylvania (39)" 40 "Rhode Island (40)" 41 "South Carolina (41)" 42 "South Dakota (42)" 43 "Tennessee (43)" 44 "Texas (44)" 45 "Utah (45)" 46 "Vermont (46)" 47 "Virginia (47)" 48 "Washington (48)" 49 "West Virginia (49)" 50 "Wisconsin (50)" 51 "Wyoming (51)" 52 "Territories (PR, VI, CZ, Guam, NMI) (52)" / termdate 00 "Missing or out-of-range" / termyr termmo termdy -10 "Pending (-10)" / trfiscal -9 "pending (-9)" / trialout 1 "Defendant victory (1)" 2 "Plaintiff victory (2)" -9 "Unknown victory (-9)" / trialsum 0 "No trial (0)" 1 "Jury trial (1)" 2 "Bench trial (2)" . * VALUE LABELS section "-9" "Data not collected (-9)" / sectsum 0 "other (0)" / subsect "-9" "Data not collected (-9)" / title "-9" "Data not collected (-9)" . MATCH FILE FILE = * /DROP v1 v10 v12 v13 v14 v16 v22 v26 nb end1 beg1 office1. MATCH FILE FILE = * /KEEP state circuit distnum office2 docket fifiscal trfiscal jforsum outctot outsum trialout trialsum source2 nossum pacer state region ALL. SAVE OUTFILE='D:\\TechnicalAppendix/1995all.sav' .