Kincaid C. Brown is the fifth Director of the University of Michigan Law Library.  He received his J.D., Masters of Science in Library Information Services, and B.A. in History from the University of Michigan.  He has published and presented on numerous topics including library management and collection development, technology, research, and open access to legal information.


In his roles, Brown focuses on building and administering digital services such as the University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository, developing the Library’s collection of electronic and print legal materials, and developing services in support of research done by Law School faculty and students.

Brown’s professional roles include service on many boards and committees, including currently serving on the State Bar of Michigan Michigan Bar Journal Committee where he is editor of the Libraries and Legal Research column.  He also previously served as chair of the State Bar of Michigan Libraries, Legal Research, and Legal Publications Committee, the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Computing Services Special Interest Section, and the AALL Indexing of Periodical Literature Committee. He teaches Advanced Legal Research in the Law School every Winter semester.