We offer individual appointments, during which we review the employment landscape, give advice on resume and cover letter presentation, provide preparation for interviews, tell you about more resources for finding employment, and provide any other information that may be helpful to you as you consider your career options. If you are contemplating a change of employer, job market, or even career path, you may call OCP to schedule an appointment via telephone with our alumni attorney-counselor. 

To make an appointment, call the Office of Career Planning at 734.764.0546.

Make an Appointment Online     Connect with Alumni       Get Involved

Jobs Bul­letins

Our alum­ni job bul­letin is host­ed by Sym­plic­i­ty. Recent grad­u­ates can request a pass­word reminder through Sym­plic­i­ty, and it will be sent to your umich email account. Grad­u­ates before the Class of 2005 should con­tact the Office of Career Plan­ning to request a user­name and password.

If you have a job oppor­tu­ni­ty you’d like to pro­mote to oth­er alum­ni, please sub­mit it to the Office of Career Planning.

Our Pass­word-Pro­tect­ed Resources pro­vide the user­names and pass­words for pass­word-pro­tect­ed exter­nal job bul­letin resources, includ­ing the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona Gov­ern­ment Hon­ors and Intern­ship Hand­book, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Hand­book, and the Brigham Young Uni­ver­si­ty Inter­col­le­giate Job Bank.


Alum­ni inter­est­ed in using the ser­vices of anoth­er law school’s career planning/​career ser­vices office can review reci­procity poli­cies on the NALP web site to ver­i­fy the types of ser­vices offered at each school. Requests are lim­it­ed to one school per geo­graph­ic region. 

Con­tact the Office of Career Plan­ning for more infor­ma­tion if you would like to request a let­ter of reciprocity.

Law grad­u­ates from oth­er schools inter­est­ed in using our ser­vices may con­tact the Office of Career Plan­ning. Our pol­i­cy does not include online access to our job list­ings via Sym­plic­i­ty for stu­dents or grad­u­ates of oth­er law schools.

Our Reci­procity Policy