Our commitment to global education shows in the sheer number of our faculty who teach and write in areas that have an international or comparative law component and in our rich array of international and comparative law class offerings programs, and activities, both here in Ann Arbor and throughout the world.

Even before they graduate, our students have opportunities to work in Geneva for a semester at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, intern during the summer at law firms in Brazil, clerk in Tanzania at the African Court of Human and Peoples Rights, and study Chinese business law in Hong Kong.

Our faculty work with venture capital firms in India, advise the Court of Justice of the European Union, consult on the drafting of statutes and regulations in the People’s Republic of China, counsel the U.S. State Department on issues of international law, serve on editorial boards of international and comparative law journals, and teach around the globe.

And these are just a few examples.

Build­ing Skills for Glob­al Practice

To give our stu­dents a sol­id foun­da­tion for suc­cess­ful and sat­is­fy­ing careers in an inter­con­nect­ed world, we offer numer­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties for build­ing crit­i­cal prac­ti­cal skills. The glob­al oppor­tu­ni­ties we offer focus on help­ing stu­dents under­stand oth­er legal sys­tems, learn new lan­guages, devel­op friend­ships around the world, and gain legal expe­ri­ence abroad. 

Majestic photo Reading Room with Ivy covering the wall
Clara Belfield and Hen­ry Bates Over­seas Fellowships

As an endowed fund exclu­sive­ly for Michi­gan Law stu­dents and alum­ni, our Bates Fel­low­ship cov­ers stu­dent trav­el and liv­ing expens­es around the world. This gen­er­ous gift allows us to send sev­er­al recip­i­ents each year to sate their curios­i­ty about the legal and polit­i­cal insti­tu­tions of oth­er coun­tries and enrich their prac­tice of law.

About the Bates Fellowship

Clara Belfield and Henry Bates Overseas Fellowships
Cen­ter for Inter­na­tion­al and Com­par­a­tive Law

The Cen­ter for Inter­na­tion­al and Com­par­a­tive Law works to pre­pare our JD stu­dents for suc­cess in a glob­al envi­ron­ment. In a fast-mov­ing and increas­ing­ly inter­con­nect­ed world, we strive to antic­i­pate the future while pro­vid­ing clear pur­pose, diverse offer­ings, and equal opportunity.

Students studying in the Reading Room