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Resources and Teaching Materials

Amistad project

García Martínez, Orlando & Zeuske, Michael. "La Amistad de Cuba: Ramon Ferrer, contrabando de esclavos, captividad y modernidad Atlantica."

Saint - Domingue / Haiti

Manuscript and printed sources online


Lovejoy, Henry. Manuscript Sources from the Havana Slave Trade Commission​.

Plessy v Ferguson

Scott, Rebecca J. "What was at stake in Plessy v. Ferguson.​"

Scott, Rebecca J. "Public Rights, Social Equality, and the Conceptual Roots of the Plessy Challenge​."

modern Slavery 

Bellagio-Harvard Guidelines on the legal parameters of slavery​ 

Brazil. Article. Scott + Barbosa + Haddad, "How Does the Law Put a Historical Analogy to Work?"

Brazil. Video 30 minutes. British Academy.

European Court of Human Rights. Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour​.

Carr, Bridgette. Human Trafficking Law and Policy​.

Scott, Rebecca J. "Contemporary Slavery and the Uses of History."​

Britain: June 2014 Draft Bill on Modern Slavery

Britain: June 2014 Government response to draft

Britain: June 2014 ECHR memo

France: News on the insertion of the crime of enslavement into the criminal code of France

France: Scott, Rebecca J. "L'esclavag​e moderne n'est pas different de celui pratique il y a 150 ans​." 

France: Scott, Rebecca J. "Under Color of Law: Siliadin v. France and the Dynamics of Enslavement in Historical Perspective."​

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