Class-Year Reunions

Every fall, Michi­gan Law hosts class­es cel­e­brat­ing mile­stone anniver­saries in the Quad: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 years. We also wel­come back all emer­i­tus alum­ni cel­e­brat­ing 51 or more years since graduation.

Sep­tem­ber 6 – 8, 202494, 89, 84, 79, 74, and emeriti

Sep­tem­ber 13 – 15, 202419, 14, 09, 04, and 99

Black Alum­ni Reunion

Michi­gan Law’s Black Alum­ni Reunion, for­mer­ly known as the African Amer­i­can Alum­ni Reunion, is held in Ann Arbor every three years. The next Reunion will be spring 2026.

The Reunions are an oppor­tu­ni­ty for alum­ni to con­nect with cur­rent stu­dents, attend and par­tic­i­pate in pan­els and oth­er pro­gram­ming, bond with fel­low Michi­gan Law grad­u­ates, and sup­port the recruit­ment and matric­u­la­tion of Black stu­dents at Michi­gan Law. The Reunions are open to all Michi­gan Law alum­ni reg­is­trants and their guests.

The 2023 Black Alum­ni Reunion took place March 24 – 26, 2023, to coin­cide with the annu­al Butch Car­pen­ter Schol­ar­ship Gala, host­ed by the Black Law Stu­dents Asso­ci­a­tion, as well as Pre­view Week­end for admit­ted students.

Review the 2023 Program

Reunion 3
Reunion 2
Reunion 4
Reunion 5
Reunion 1
Reunion 7
Reunion 8
Reunion 9
Reunion 10
Reunion 11
Reunion 12
European Alumni 1
European Alumni 2
European Alumni 3
European Alumni 4
European Alumni 5
European Alumni 6
European Alumni 7
European Alumni 7
European Alumni 9
Dis­tin­guished Alum­ni Award

The Dis­tin­guished Alum­ni Award rec­og­nizes extra­or­di­nary alum­ni whose achieve­ments exem­pli­fy the val­ues and ethos of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan Law School.

Pre­sent­ed annu­al­ly to one or more deserv­ing alum­ni, the award is intend­ed to high­light indi­vid­u­als who have made an excep­tion­al impact on their pro­fes­sion, com­mu­ni­ty, and Michi­gan Law.

Distinguished Alumni Award
Alumni Service day 1
Alumni Service day 2
Alumni Service day 3
Alumni Service day 4
Alumni Service day 5
Alumni Service day 6
Alumni Service day 7
Alumni Service day 8
Alumni Service day 9
Alumni Service day 10
Alumni Service day 11
Alumni Service day 12
Alumni Service day 13

Insights from the Quad

Michi­gan Law host­ed a series of vir­tu­al fac­ul­ty dis­cus­sions dur­ing the 2020 – 2021 aca­d­e­m­ic year on a wide range of legal top­ics. Tune in below to catch up on any events you missed. 

Watch the Full Series

Title card for "Moving Toward Equality"
Moving Toward Equality
The #MeToo and Black Lives Mat­ter move­ments have illu­mi­nat­ed long­stand­ing inequal­i­ties in life and in law. Catharine A. MacK­in­non dis­cuss­es her recent legal pro­pos­al craft­ed with Colum­bia and UCLA law pro­fes­sor Kim­ber­lé W. Crenshaw. 

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Title Card for "Legal Responses to COVID-19"
Legal Responses to COVID-19
The legal sys­tem is deeply involved in the respons­es to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. This pan­el will dis­cuss how health law influ­ences indi­vid­ual deci­sions, emer­gency pow­ers restrict per­son­al and busi­ness activ­i­ties, tort law shapes busi­ness deci­sions, and reg­u­la­tion shapes the race for a cure.

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Title Card for "Voting Rights and American Democracy"
Voting Rights and American Democracy
From its ear­li­est days, our nation has expe­ri­enced con­flict between those who would extend the fran­chise to pre­vi­ous­ly exclud­ed groups and those who would keep the right to vote a nar­row one. This pan­el dis­cuss­es that con­flict in the run-up to the 2020 election.

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Title Card for "Criminal Justice Reform"
Criminal Justice Reform
The prob­lems in our crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem are long­stand­ing and deep. They are also receiv­ing new atten­tion from actors across the polit­i­cal spec­trum. This pan­el dis­cuss­es some of the largest chal­lenges to (and most promis­ing pro­pos­als for) reform.

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Title card for "The Supreme Court in a Polarized America"
The Supreme Court in a Polarized America
Amer­i­can pol­i­tics have become extreme­ly polar­ized. This pan­el dis­cuss­es how the Supreme Court has shaped and been shaped by our cur­rent polit­i­cal polar­iza­tion, how it has fared in this envi­ron­ment, and what we should watch for in the com­ing pres­i­den­tial term.

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Title Card for "Debating the Corporate Purpose"
Debating the Corporate Purpose
Major U.S. busi­ness and legal enti­ties have argued against share­hold­er pri­ma­cy and in favor of broad­er visions of cor­po­rate pur­pose. This pan­el explores the con­cep­tions of cor­po­rate pur­pose now in cir­cu­la­tion, along with relat­ed devel­op­ments in cap­i­tal markets.

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Insights from the Quad Title Card, "America and the World"
America and the World
The U.S. posi­tion in the world is, by all accounts, shift­ing. This pan­el con­sid­ers what this shift por­tends for the inter­na­tion­al legal order — and par­tic­u­lar­ly, for its capac­i­ty to address the chal­lenges that con­front the Unit­ed States and the rest of the world.

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